What Are Dental Implants? Cost and Procedure Discussed

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This blog contains all the information needed before going for a dental implant, as shared by tooth implant experts in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent. Continue reading to learn more.

A dental implant is the best tooth restoration method that is performed when someone loses one or more teeth due to disease or injury and helps one to achieve a healthy smile and oral health. Dental implants are titanium screws that can replace a broken tooth root. They are put into the jawbone like a tooth root to hold one or more artificial teeth in place.

People considering a dental implant usually have many questions about the topic. This blog contains all the information needed before going for a dental implant, as shared by tooth implant experts in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent. Continue reading to learn more.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are man-made tooth roots that serve as tooth substitutes. The dental implant surgeon inserts an implant into the jawbone using screw-like tools. This implant serves as the anchor for the newly replaced tooth. This dental implant helps strengthen the jawline and bones. It can also help improve oral health. Dental implants promote healthy chewing by firmly anchoring each tooth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Loss of teeth due to unnatural causes can lead to many problems, such as difficulty chewing, slurred speech, and bone degradation. In such situations, a dental implant can be used. 

Greeting dental implants can help improve the mouth's overall functioning and improve oral health. It aids in chewing and enhances the appearance of the mouth.  A dental implant also helps in reducing bone loss and helps in the protection of the bones on the side. 

Moreover, a dental implant can improve one’s quality of life as it is a permanent solution to lost teeth.  

Dental Implant Procedure

The dental implant procedure is permanent, so sessions are performed over a few months. The specialist will examine the patient's condition on the first visit and recommend the best dental implant. This is how the dental implant surgery proceeds: 

  • The tooth root implant is implanted into the missing tooth's bone socket. It is made of a small titanium post.
  • Following that, the doctor schedules the next session 6 to 12 weeks later, allowing enough time for the jawbone to heal properly. 
  • During this time, the implant is properly anchored in the jaws.
  • Once the root is fixed, the doctor will secure the new tooth with an abutment.
  • In the next session, the dentist will fit in the top or the “crown” on the abutment.

Cost of Dental Implants in Gurgaon

The cost of dental implants varies from person to person and clinic to clinic. The factors that determine the cost are: 

  • Number of teeth to be replaced
  • Number of sessions performed
  • Consultation fees 
  • Anesthesia cost 
  • Medicines cost 
  • Types of implants used (single or full mouth dental implants).

One can make a wise decision after understanding the minute details of the subject, and so we hope that this blog contains all the details one needs to know before going for dental implants. 

Visit AK Global Dent for a successful surgery and get the benefits with affordable dental implants cost in Gurgaon.
