Foundation Funding Opportunities Foundation Application

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As a non-profit, you know the challenges around keeping up to date on new and upcoming foundation funding opportunities

As a non-profit, you know the challenges around keeping up to date on new and upcoming foundation funding opportunities and their deadlines. Although your first instinct may be to check a foundation’s website for deadlines, our research shows that fewer than one in ten US foundations provides this information on their site—or has a website at all.

A handful of deadline alerts services are available for non-profit researchers. Why so few? Because the main challenge you face is the same one these alerts services face: staying ahead of ever-changing deadlines. We’ll outline a few of these available services, and review some of their features and strategies for keeping informed of relevant opportunities.

Philanthropy News Digest, or PND, is a free US based service published by foundation application Foundation Center, and includes notices of awards and RFPs. Sent out biweekly as an email you can subscribe to, PND provides predominantly US opportunities, and those opportunities are grouped by category of giving. In conjunction with their email alerts, PND also provides an online search tool that allows you to search through their database of currently active RFPs; you can search by category of giving, state, or keyword. PND provides approximately 500 opportunity alerts per year, or about one alert for every thousand grants made.

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