Pete Carroll Trying to Quiet Russell Wil

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Pete Carroll Trying to Quiet Russell Wil

The Indianapolis Colts Hernan Perez Jersey are and there have been .But Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll is ready to put those rumors to rest... as best he can anyway."At this time of year there's conversations about everybody," Carroll said at the NFL Combine this week when asked of Wilson. "That's commonplace for us to have conversations with teams about all the players, particularly marquee players.""That's not changed; it's Ryan Braun Jersey been the same every year we've been here."While Carroll left the door open for trade po sibilities regarding Wilson, it was just a sliver before he began to shut it again."So it's the same as it's been. We have no intention of making any move there, but John (general manager John Schneider) has to field those. He always has. But nothing specific to that."Carroll was ready to emphasize Lorenzo Cain Jersey his close working relationship with Wilson, a relationship that has looked in doubt, publicly at least."Ru sell and I have had a partnership for all of these years," said Carroll. "We've worked at this the whole time. We've communicated on a really high level.""I feel like we're on a good page, that we know what's going on, and that we're communicating really well still."Carroll isn't surprised there's plenty of speculation surrounding his nine-time Pro Bowl quarterback. "Last Boone Logan Jersey year it was out there twice as much, so no, I'm not surprised, Carroll said with a grin. "It's the quarterback world right now. They're talking about all of them, and you guys are doing everything you can to try and figure it out.""So there's a lot people taking shots, a lot of lines in the water right now trying to gue s and see what's going to happen."The gue s right now is that Ru sell Zach Davies Jersey Wilson is a Seattle Seahawk in 2022.Scroll to Continue