What is Hora?
Hora has great importance in astrology. This is one of the important aspects of horoscope analysis. The duration of Hora is considered to be one hour. There are a total 24 Hora in a day i.e. 24 hours. Every day i.e. Vaar Ki Hora starts with sunrise.
What is the significance of Hora?
Hora has great importance in astrology. Through this, information about wealth and property can be obtained. Hora is used in any kind of difficult situation. Planets play an important role in this.
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What is Hora chart?
Hora chart is prepared for Faladesh. Every person has a zodiac sign and on that basis his nature and other things are decided. Hora chart is also prepared on the basis of this.
Surya i.e. Ravi Hora
Talking about Surya Hora, this Hora Muhurta is considered auspicious for political work, meeting government officials, applying for jobs, court related transactions and shopping etc. Surya Hora is also considered auspicious for wearing Ruby
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Moon Hora
The relocation is done in Moon Hora. This Hora is used for change of residence, travel, property related matters, meeting beloved in love affairs, purchase of jewellery, sale of clothes etc., works related to water as well as creative and artistic works. Pearl can be worn in the Hora of Moon.
Mangal Hora
Mangal Hora is used for agricultural matters, purchase and sale of vehicles, electrical and engineering works. Along with this, it is also auspicious for giving and taking loans, martial arts etc. Time is good to join a new job. You can wear coral or cat's eye in this Hora.
Budh Hora
The Hora of Mercury is considered auspicious for matters related to business and medicine. Apart from this, Budh Hora is also auspicious for learning, astrology, religious works, writing, printing, etc., buying jewellery. Emerald stone can be worn in the Hora of Mercury.
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Jupiter Hora
Hora of Dev Guru Brihaspati is considered auspicious for all auspicious works. In this Hora, Mercury's Hora is auspicious for joining a job, starting a business, starting a new course, as well as for court related matters. In this, this Hora is also auspicious for religious work, pilgrimage etc. Topaz can be worn in this Hora.
Shani Hora
Saturn's Hora is considered good for hardworking people. Apart from this, Saturn's Hora is also suitable for business related to oil and iron. Sapphire or Gomed can be worn during this Hora period.
Venus Hora
Hora of Venus is auspicious for love and marriage, purchase and sale of jewellery, entertainment, purchase of vehicles etc. Diamond, opal or new clothes can also be worn in this Hora.
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