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The counselee dose of Suhagra 100 is one pill per day. do not consume quite one pill throughout one day. For best results, consume it on associate empty abdomen and exactly one hour before sexual activity. The time it takes for the medication to entails its effects varies from person to person. However, vital results square measure full-fledged among the first hour of its consumption. depending on factors like age, metabolism, health condition, etc., this might vary. This medication should not be taken by somebody international organization agency doesn’t have impotence. Suhagra one hundred MG pill contains anit-impotence drug. it's higher delineated because the blue pill. it's inspired that you just take the pill laptop 30-60 minutes before sexual activity. withal, you'll be able to likewise take it as long as four hours before sex. don't take even a lot of pills for fast outcomes. Suhagra one hundred pill laptop is created just for men. it's not counseled for usage in kids and girls. keep afar from or limit alcohol consumption alcohol throughout the treatment because it causes you to feel giddy. don't drive or run machines whereas you're beneath treatment with Suhagra one hundred MG pill.

How to Take:

Follow the recommendation of your doctor before consuming/applying this medication. For a lot of clarification consult your pill pusher and follow the directions within the Suhagra 100  mg pill pack . The dose and temporal order of intake/application ought to be as per your prescription.

How To Work:

Suhagra 100mg pill contains Sildenafil  drug , it works by inhibiting the action of phosphodiesterase type-5 within the body, it helps in widening (relaxing) the blood vessels that will increase blood flow to the erectile organ Associate in Nursing produces an erection within the erectile organ.

Dosage Of :


The dose of Suhagra 100mg pill depends on several factors like the user’s age, health, anamnesis of the patient and lots of alternative conditions. Please take this medication as prescribed by your doctor.

Missed a Dose

Do not take 2 doses at a similar time, there's a risk of o.d... Symptom of o.d. with Suhagra 100mg pill is painful erection for quite 4-6 hours. straight off contact your doctor if Associate in Nursing o.d. with Suhagra 100mg pill is suspected.


Side-effects Of:

  • Headache
  • Nosebleed
  • Indigestion
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Visual disturbances
  • Sensitivity to lightweight
  • Prolonged
  • Deafness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nausea

Warning Of:

If you're pregnant or breast-feeding, suppose you'll be pregnant or square measure progressing to have a baby, raise your doctor for recommendation before taking this medication square measure allergic to anit-impotence drug or any of the opposite ingredients of this medication have ever had any heart issues cancer of the blood have a malformed erectile organ or ever had an erection that lasted quite four hours have abdomen ulcers or any forms of injury issues.

Storage Of:

Store the usually this will be typically at temperature in dark, clean and dry place. Be assured that the tablets aren't broken whereas getting. Store this tablets in associate extraordinarily clean and dry place. forestall from youngsters and pets. molding at 15-30°C. Store it at temperature associated in associate airtight instrumentality. Store this pill 4's below 30°C. Keep this pill 4's out of reach and sight of youngsters. Store in associate extraordinarily cool associated dry place removed from daylight Store this product in a very cool, dry place, as another product is not impactful. This reflective product doesn't would really like any special storage conditions. Store this pill at temperature. Keep this medication removed from youngsters and pets. Keep this medication removed from direct daylight.


