5 Things You Need To Know Before You Get Nail Extensions

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When a friend or coworker tells you that they're getting their nails done, it's easy to assume that their manicure is just as simple as theirs. But if you've ever had your nails done, then you know that there's actually a lot more involved than just painting them and calling it good. For example:

Nail extensions are more high-maintenance than acrylic.

In the long run, nail extensions are more high-maintenance than acrylics. You have to remove and redo your manicure every few days (or even multiple times per day), which may feel like a hassle at first but can be a lot less frustrating than having to deal with acrylic nails that chip or break after just one wear .

Nail extensions are also prone to breaking more often than acrylics. If you're not diligent about maintaining your nails and they begin looking damaged, you can damage them even further by trying to repair an already-damaged tip before switching over to another color of polish—or worse yet, after completing this process altogether!

There are two options for nail extensions: gel and silk.

  • Gel nails are similar to the acrylics you may have seen at a salon. They're hard and durable, but they don't look quite as natural as silk.

  • Silk nails are much more flexible than gel nails because they're made from human hair rather than synthetic material like gel is. This makes them less likely to break or chip in certain situations (like if you're doing something strenuous).

You'll also find that silk is pricier than gel because it's more labor-intensive to produce—it takes about 100 strands of a human hair (or about 3-4 times more than what you'd use for an average manicure) before creating one set of extensions!

The difference between acrylics and these two extensions is that the extensions are applied directly onto your nail beds.

Acrylics are applied to the nail bed, while these two extensions are directly applied on top. This means that you'll have to deal with more maintenance—and it can get expensive! Gels and silk extensions are high-maintenance products that require frequent touch-ups. You may also experience some redness or discomfort when wearing these products for extended periods of time.

Some types of nail extensions are more impactful on your nails than others.

  • Silk extensions: These are the most gentle on your nails, so they're a good choice if you have sensitive or weak nails. They don't damage the natural structure of your nail bed and are also easier to remove than acrylics. But because silk is more porous than acrylics, it can be harder to clean up after removal—so make sure you pick a color that matches your natural nail color well!

  • Acrylics: These types of extensions tend to have negative effects on the health of your nails over time due to their strong chemical properties. They're difficult (and expensive) to remove once applied, which makes them best suited for people who want long-lasting results but don't mind spending more money upfront than some other options may offer

Here's what to do if you're experiencing weak or damaged nails after getting a set of extensions.

If you're experiencing weak or damaged nails after getting a set of extensions, here are some things to try:

  • Use cuticle oil to keep your nails healthy.

  • Use the nail strengthening cream.

  • Use the nail hardener.

  • Use a nail buffer with the correct grit (coarse) for your nails; if you don't have one, ask your salon or spa what they recommend for their clients who have acrylics on their natural nails as opposed to their artificial ones! You can also use this method at home by using sandpaper that has been pre-sanded before beginning any manicure job—it'll help remove any extra calluses left over from filing down those acrylics! Be careful not to use too much pressure when doing so though because it could damage more than just those hard-to-reach places around each fingertip."

Educate yourself before getting any kind of nail extention

Before you get any kind of nail extension, it is important that you educate yourself on the pros and cons of different types of nails.

Don't be afraid to ask questions! You can talk with your doctor or dermatologist about what type of nail extensions are best for you. If they suggest something else than acrylics (which are the most popular), don't worry! There are other options out there too—like silk wraps or mesh wraps—that may work better for your skin type.

If any medical conditions apply (such as diabetes), make sure not to get any kind of nail extension at all until after those problems have been addressed by a doctor first so that there won't be any complications later down the road from getting a false sense of security from having had an unneeded procedure done without knowing how serious it could potentially become later on down the road due to side effects such as loss of blood flow/redness around certain areas where one might feel pressure like fingertips during certain activities such as typing which could lead into issues like nerve damage if left untreated over time."


If you're thinking about getting a set of nail extensions, it's important to know what you're getting into. While it may seem like a simple procedure that takes just minutes and costs around $20, there are many factors involved in getting them done right—from the materials used to the duration of time it takes for your nails to recover. You also need to be sure that your provider is licensed by the state where they work since doing so means they have gone through rigorous training on how best practices should be followed when applying any type of temporary or permanent installation on their customers.
