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VEGAS11 betting site has Ads that interrupt a gambler once or twice while in his/her betting spree. This might not seem as so much of a challenge but progressive Ads popping-up may push away a potential client from any website leave alone VEGAS 11.


VEGAS11 betting site has Ads that interrupt a gambler once or twice while in his/her betting spree. This might not seem as so much of a challenge but progressive Ads popping-up may push away a potential client from any website leave alone VEGAS 11. VEGAS 11 CASINO website on the other hand has no Ads popping-up, the website developers however need to create a differential mechanism of that creates may help a gambler to distinguish between the two. Websites that do not have a paid subscription make money through Ads, but overdoing it may push away potential clients from using the website.


VEGAS 11 website is open to all gamblers, Neither Christians nor Muslims are banned from using either of the websites. Religious discrimination has not been displayed in neither VEGAS 11 nor VEGAS 11 CASINO websites, displaying images of women half-naked in the websites in an alleged attempt to encourage young people to gamble may push away a fraction of religious gamblers that have beliefs against nudity. Not just the young gamble, I have witnessed people as old as 45 years old gamble. Nude advertisements are inappropriate and may discourage such individuals. VEGAS 11 CASINO has no nude advertisements and may therefore attract this fraction of gamblers that VEGAS 11 seems to have ignored.


VEGAS 11 PRO website designers have done due diligence and found out different ways of attracting gamblers to their website unlike the VEGAS 11 website designers, despite the gambling section VEGAS 11 CASINO developers have added a;

  • Why choose VEGAS 11 CASINO section.
  • FAQ section where users get to interact with VEGAS 11 CASINO agents.
  • Popular Casino Article section where frequent users are updated on what is happening in the sports world.
  • Betting Tips section where experienced gamblers help new and regular users to place their bets.

These four unique sections make VEGAS 11 CASINO website more user friendly than its counterpart VEGAS 11 website.


Sharing private information like emails, phone numbers and home addresses is so risky, however VEGAS 11 CASINO website has taken an extra initiative to assure their users of discretion of any information shared by creating a high-end state of the art encryption that is free from hackers. This information is of great importance to users with families and well-paying jobs. VEGAS 11 website has not displayed information on user discretion and this may worry users that do not love sharing their private or personal information with third parties.


All betting enthusiasts need a fast and reliable website while placing their stakes. VEGAS11 CASINO website has a high speed deposit and withdrawal feature, In addition to its fast-paced feature it has a 24 hours online customer service that users can use to ask or seek clarification on matters betting. VEGAS 11 website on the contrary has not indicated or shown any user reliability. Reliability is a key feature for all online businesses, VEGAS 11 needs a website that customers can access and use with ease else they are likely to lose their clientele.


Most times Casino sites are known not to be as great as sports betting sites, VEGAS 11 CASINO has however proved different. It is important to know how to maneuver around any business industry before entry. VEGAS 11 seems to not have researched well on matters gambling. However both websites are legal and are not in any way associated with illegal gambling. If at all both websites are owned by one owner because they have quite a number of similarities then he/she/they (if a group) should work on both websites with equity and eliminate any differences that exist.
