Charm Story _ Rosen _ txt Novel Paradise

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Charm Story _ Rosen _ txt Novel Paradise

When Quan Ying calmly counted to three, there was a sudden thunderbolt in front of him, followed by a crisp explosion like a broken mirror. They stared ahead and saw the original endless corridor. Suddenly, the scene was blurred and shaking, as if it were a mirage. Then, the whole corridor disappeared completely, replaced by countless Demon soldiers in armor. Armed with a knife and a gun, he stood at the entrance of the palace in a murderous manner. The first time they met the organized Demon army, Nell and Quan Ying were surprised, because although the team of more than a thousand people had different races and weapons, they had one thing in common, that is, in their eyes, they all showed no difference in fear. The sister-in-law who was sent to the door cheaply, these guys in front of him seemed to be the boundary. "Yes, I haven't met such an opponent for a long time." Didn't my brother rush in? Where did the man go? I can't see it for the time being. I think we'll ask them. Be as gentle as you can. (Txt Fiction Paradise Online Library; www. XiAoshuotxT. COM Chapter 5 determination to fight txt! Small ! Say ! God . Don El Tierno January of the year 569 ? El Tino ? Zhongdu When Lancelot sneaks into the Demon World and carries out special tasks, the Demons in the human world do not wait for him to return quietly. Although Yin Zhen's wound has not yet fully healed, the attack of the Demons has already begun. (Txt novel Paradise Online Library; From the appearance of the Demons in the capital city to the order to send troops to attack, there were more than twenty days between them. In these twenty days, the Demons did not take any military action except sending poisonous dragons to attack Jixia and Kunlun Mountains. This really made the world suspicious and could not guess what medicine the Demons were selling. However, the Demons in Zhongdu City are not idle, although there are such leisurely people as Hulagu, but the princes, including Shi Chong, are all trying their best to replenish the soldiers, making all kinds of efforts, while transferring experts from the battle force guarding the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons, while also trying to pull tens of millions of demonized humans into their own camp. According to official statistics, among the tens of millions of demonized humans in Zhongdu, there are still less than one million who have the ability to think. The rest are some wild and instinctive Warcraft. Although they have powerful lethality and can play a role in the battlefield, they can't do anything other than destruction. Not to mention helping to build, just raising these Warcraft is a very headache. Warcraft group can drive, but it is impossible to bring into their own side, so what Shi Chong has to do is to pull the nearly one million new magic people who still retain their minds into their own camp. Coercion and seduction are useful to more than 90% of living things, not only to human beings, but also to these new demons. Especially when they look at their ugly appearance in the mirror and know that they can never return to their old appearance, many people have the mentality of self-abandonment and join the completely unfamiliar Demons to be loyal to the Great Demon King. So, in more than twenty days, Shi Chong built a new demon army. At the same time, Hulagu also used his personal charm to put together the old Medici family forces, some of the White Deer Cave soldiers, some of the El Tino army, precision welded tubes ,side impact beams, and some of the Demons into a mixed army of people and demons loyal to himself, and handed over to his father Yin Zhen. Although it was not yet stable, the Demons' military strength in the human world was completed. When Hulagu and Shi Chong had personal force respectively, Yin Zhen, as their leader, issued a summons to them. At Shenshi on January 25, we had a chat in the Meixi River in the back garden, fishing for fun. In order to announce the whole attack on the human world, Yin Zhen issued a decree to summon Hulagu, Shi Chong and others to the palace to listen to his verdict, but the form of the summons was somewhat strange, not to go to the main hall, but to summon people to the artificial stream beside the imperial garden to fish together. "What kind of fish do you catch at the critical moment of doing great things?"? Is there any mistake? Will directly raise this question of the fool, in Yin Zhen princes, can be said to be no one, because compared to the past Cao Shou's mediocre camouflage, the present style is the traditional style of the Great Demon King. The person who can sit firmly on the throne of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons needs not only martial arts and wisdom, but also the so-called political trickery. When the Great Demon King of the past Dynasties was in control, he would assume an unfathomable posture, making it difficult for his subordinates to guess his thoughts, and then because of the "unfathomable power of heaven", he was afraid and frightened, so the Great Demon King would sometimes deliberately issue some strange orders and do some inexplicable acts, so that his subordinates could not guess the meaning even if they wanted to break their minds, and finally understood the king's foresight. Therefore, no courtier felt that the order of "fishing" was very strange, but they all thought that His Majesty the Demon King must have something important to announce, so they would deliberately make this mysterious. Hulagu and Shi Chong's discord, at this time, of course, there is no need to hide, two people have a tacit understanding to enter the palace from different gates, to avoid the displeasure of meeting when entering the palace, but the time to meet can not be too late, otherwise this little trick out of control, lead to the king's censure, that is self-defeating. Hulagu, who chose to enter the palace without an entourage, met an unexpected person before the palace gate. Is Your Royal Highness coming to the palace to see you? Hao Ko-lien, who has returned to her original appearance of a snowy skin with red eyes and appears in the form of a magic man, also happens to be standing at the gate of the palace, watching Hulagu come over. She is still wearing her usual sexy dress, but the corners of her eyes and the tips of her eyebrows are even more gorgeous. Between the flowing waves, she is even more sultry than before. In the first battle of Zhongdu City, Hao Kelian and Hua Tianxie fell into the trap of Bai Qi and were involved in the power of the explosion of the main reactor. At that time,cold drawn tubes, Hao Kelian had already been seriously injured, and if it hadn't been for the fact that Hua Tianxie had set up a layer of air cover in front of her, she would have died in the shocking explosion.
