The hormone ghrelin, on the other hand, triggers feelings of hunger—and ghrelin goes up when you’re short on sleep. And it doesn’t take a long time, or a lot of sleep deprivation, to bring the weight on. A fascinating study from researchers at the University of Colorado found that one week of sleeping about 5 hours a night led participants to gain an average of 2 pounds. The loss of weight and lack of nutrition associated with a chronic illness is referred to as cachexia. Unexplained, unintentional weight loss is often a result of illness and should be evaluated by a health Vitality Testo Gummies Not in an extreme, Atkins sort of way, but having a little protein at every meal fires up your metabolism. It's easy to overdo it when you're eating something delicious — and that's why it's good to focus on foods that will force you to slow down. "Slowing down can help you check in with your hunger levels. For that reason, I love snacking on 100-calorie packs of in-shell pistachios," Gorin says. “Almonds are healthy, but if you’re eating 10 handfuls every day, that’s going to lead to weight gain,” she says. That’s why she advises against noshing while you’re cooking or keeping a jar of snacks on your desk.