Kamaal R Khan is rather ‘infamous’ in Bollywood. The self-proclaimed critic rose to fame with his ill remarks on actors including Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Anushka Sharma among many others. KRK has now been arrested by the Mumbai Police over his derogatory statements about the late Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan. Scroll below for all the details.
The police complaint against KRK has been filed by Yuva Sena member Rahul Kanal. The case was filed against him back in 2020 after he made some highly unacceptable remarks against Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan on his official Twitter handle.
Rahul Kanal in a statement confirmed the same saying, “Kamaal R Khan has been arrested today on my complaint. I welcome this move by the Mumbai police. He makes derogatory comments on social media and uses foul language. Such kind of behavior is unacceptable in society. By arresting him, Mumbai police have sent out a strong message against such people.”
It is reported that KRK was detained at the airport, right after he reached Mumbai from Dubai. He was then taken to Malad Police Station, where he was arrested post-questioning.
Kamaal R Khan will be produced in Borivali court today, August 30.
Meanwhile, Kamaal R Khan has lately been making a lot of noise over his remarks on Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, and Salman Khan. He declared that it is time for the Khans to retire as they are all arrogant and do not respect the audience.
This isn’t the first time that KRK is in trouble over his tweets. Previously, Salman Khan had filed a defamation case against him over his review of Radhe.
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