Two Realms of Resellers (Common No.: Xitulanya House of Everything

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When this thing exploded, fragments and sand and stones were fired at random at high places on all sides. It is not certain that he was lucky enough to avoid it." 。

The eagle was embarrassed and said, "It's locked up. You can't let these two people go out and talk nonsense." Elijah glanced at Chu Feng and said, "What do you think?" Chu Feng blinked and said, "Why are you asking me?" Chu Feng was a little embarrassed. He said to himself, "It seems inappropriate to release it. The human race he bought is imprisoned by the slave ring. Life and death are only between his thoughts. The two human races who broke in are different. If they are released, they don't know what will happen." Elijah blinked and said, "You are human!" Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "There are so many people in the world." Elijah nodded and said, "Yeah!" There are so many people, some are good and some are bad, so we can't generalize. …… Elijah looked at Ruo Chufeng and said, "Let's go back to the village and have a look." Chu Feng nodded and said, "Good." Elijah smiled and said, "Aren't you going to teach me how to drive?"? You teach me to drive first. Before Elijah went to this world, Chu Feng always drove, and he wanted to try it himself, but Chu Feng said that it would be very troublesome to be caught driving without a license, so Elijah beat a retreat. Chu Feng nodded and said, "All right." Now that the two Terrans have been locked up, let's keep them locked up. Anyway,heavy duty rack manufacturers, it's not bad for a while. There is a lot of open space on this side of the castle building area, and there is still enough space for practice. Elijah, under the guidance of Chu Feng, started the car and drove it out. Although Elijah has not driven himself, but when Chu Feng drives, he has carefully watched many times, so he can get started very quickly,drive in racking system, but after a while, he can master the driving skills. Elijah took one look at Chu Feng and said excitedly, "Can I count it?"? Chu Feng nodded and said, "Sort of." "Then I can drive back to the tribe." Elijah said excitedly. Chu Feng looked at Elijah's shining eyes and felt that he was like a child who had just got a funny toy and was anxious to go home and show off. Chu Feng nodded and said, "Yes, you just learned to drive slowly." Elijah heard Chu Feng's words, nodded, and flew out of the car. Gaoshan people watched Chu Feng's car leave, stunned one by one. Morka gawked at the departing car and said incredulously, "That iron knot can run." Shi Li nodded and said, "Well, how fast you run!" Morka glanced at Shi Li and said, "Aren't you surprised?" Shi Li thought for a moment and said, "It's all right." After all, industrial racking systems ,warehouse storage racks, Chu Feng is so amazing that it is normal for anything to happen to Chu Feng. MORCA:. . Shi Li is actually very surprised in his heart. It's just that his performance is not as exaggerated as Morka's, Shi Li thought to himself: he is a well-informed man, and he can't be as exaggerated as Morka, a newcomer. …… Elijah drove with some excitement. Chu Feng sat next to Elijah, feeling that Elijah's car was driving faster and faster. Elijah, we're in no hurry. Drive slowly. "Where is the Eagle?" Said Elijah lightly. Chu Feng frowned and said, "Flying Eagle?" Chu Feng poked his head out of the window and saw the eagle flying in the sky. He's after us. Elijah said. Chu Feng:.. Because the Eagle is chasing them, so, is Elijah going to test the speed of the Eagle? One is flying in the sky and the other is running on the ground. There is no comparability at all. Do you need to find a comparison? As soon as Elijah's car drove into the crescent village, the crowd stopped to watch. Afraid of causing an accident, Elijah slowed down, and a few kids in the village ran after the car crazily, one by one as if they had stepped on Hot Wheels. Chu Feng looked at the galloping little devils and said to Elijah seriously. : "Remember to pull out the car key!" Someone has been driving his motorcycle secretly before, and maybe someone will want to drive his car secretly. Elijah nodded and said, "I know." Elijah got out of the car, and Tilly said enviously, "Elijah, this is the car you said that can run on the ground. It's really awesome.". ” Elijah smiled and said, "Probably. Where are the two men you caught?" Tilly frowned and said, "They're locked up. These two are not easy to deal with."! One of them is a capable person or an attacking ability. Elijah's face became much more serious when he heard that he was capable. Chu Feng was somewhat surprised and said, "a capable person?" Flying Eagle this guy, such important news unexpectedly did not say, unexpectedly there is a capable person to come in, strange. Not an elf hunter, is it? Asked Elijah. Tilly shook her head and said, "I don't think so. They seem to have been chased and killed to get here by mistake." "What about the people who are after them?" The two Terrans of unknown origin are already very numb. It will be even more troublesome if a group of people come after them. All dead, killed by the capable, if not by the capable. It took a lot of power to catch her. Tilly said. Elijah nodded and said to himself, "Things are very difficult.". Chapter 98 Chapter 98 Chapter 98 ability 17. As soon as Chu Feng and Elijah left, several people circled around the car. Afraid of an accident, Elijah pulled out the key to the car, but did not close the door, how many? A child climbed into the car and climbed in and out of the car. Flying landed on the ground, looking at the car, some surprised way: "This car is really." Terrible. You can run faster than I can fly. As soon as the words of flying to the bottom came out, several elves immediately gave out a few exclamations. Looking at the car, his eyes became more eager. This car looks so beautiful! Can I drive! The wind is stronger than expected. I want to go to that side, too. I want to sleep with him, too. Elijah just went to the other side of the sea with Ruo Chu Feng, the crescent moon village. Face broke out a burst of desire to follow the Chu Feng sleep craze, however, everyone actually That is to say, a moment of blood on the head, radical view,cantilever racking system, until the upsurge has passed, immediately clear. Here we go Many people think that the other side of the sea is good, but they want to be alone.
