Wear it quickly, the heroine and the male God can't stop flirting.

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You might go. Can I go in and call a taxi? "Of course." They went inside. Sarah turned on the light and shivered again. The phone is in the living room. I'm going to lie down and cover myself with the quilt. 。

The next second, Luo Qingchen gently folded the moon glass fan and attacked directly in the direction of Lin Dongxue. Of course, she did not use her full strength. Just listen to two clangs, two folding fans hit in the air, the breeze blows, the whole front yard flowers flying all over the sky, fragrant overflowing. At this moment, Lin Dongxue half squinted at the girl who was fighting with her in front of her, dressed in plain clothes and light makeup. He lost his eyes unconsciously. The next second, there was a sound of a folding fan falling. Luo Qingchen held the moon glass fan to his neck in his right hand and said, "Wang Ye, you lost!" Chapter 1550 the fatuous king is in power: How many times do you want to assassinate me? (34) One second to remember. Bookben. Net, wonderful novel free reading without pop-up window! Lin Dongxue smiled softly, and her eyebrows and eyes relaxed slightly. "Although you won, you didn't win." "Why?" Luo Qingchen looked at him with a puzzled face. To lose is to lose, to win is to win, how can there be cheating? "Because you used a trick!" He raised the corners of his mouth and a faint light flashed across his eyes. What He fixed his eyes on her, looked at her seriously, and said word by word: "Beauty trap." The appearance of some people is an accident, a beautiful and sad accident. On the way to carry Yue Caizhi back to the Hall of Supreme Harmony last night, he couldn't help thinking If in this world, the first person he knows is Luo Qingchen instead of Yue Caizhi, will the person he falls in love with change. Does my brother think so. If he had met Yue Caizhi first instead of Luo Qingchen, he wouldn't have needed to be hurt so much. "By the way, I'll take you somewhere tomorrow night." Lin Dongxue looked away slowly, not looking into her eyes. Luo Qingchen did not look at him very seriously,Ceramic Core Immersion Heaters, if she looked very seriously, she would know that for some people, love is always above friendship. Early this morning, before he came to Luo Qingchen, he was invited to the Jingyue Palace by Yue Caizhi. For many days afterwards, he could not help thinking. If he had not come to Jingyue Palace at that time, would he and Luo Qingchen have ended differently. It's just that there are no ifs in this world. A mourning hall was set up in the inner room of the Hall of Mirror and Moon. Yue Cai, dressed in a long white dress, looked at him with tears in her eyes and asked, "Why did you help her? Why?"? Don't you know she killed my brother? Although Yue Ying ran away, he died because of his serious injuries. When he died, he was covered with blood, and many parts of his body were torn, Ceramic Band Heater ,Ozone generator ceramic plate, and the dense bones were particularly horrible. Sure enough, you wanted to kill her. Lin Dongxue frowned and asked in a low voice, "Why did you kill her?"? That's an assassin. She wants to protect herself! "Ha ha ha." The next second, Yue Caizhi looked up to the sky and laughed and said, "People all over the world can't understand why I want to kill her, but you, Lin Dongxue, can't!" She struck his heart forcefully, word by word. Once upon a time, they studied together. At that time, Yue Caizhi was a woman who could not bear to pinch an ant to death, but now she did not even blink at killing a person. So you stopped me yesterday to buy time for the killer, right? When he said this, he could clearly feel his voice trembling. Yue Caizhi may not be the Yue Caizhi he knew at that time. Love made her jealous and ruthless. "Yes, yes, yes!" She turned around and took Lin Dongxue by the hand and said, "If you hadn't brought someone to save her, Xiao Ying wouldn't have died." Hot tears fell down drop by drop like broken pearls. It was her only brother, and he died at the hands of the man she hated most. How can she be reconciled? She is not reconciled. "You are wrong." Lin Dongxue gently raised her right hand, gently wiped away the tears from her eyes, and said with some heartache: "Even if I don't go, you can't kill her." He had personally experienced her swordsmanship and was no ordinary person. I don't believe it. Lin Dongxue, you owe me this. You must help me! She bit her lip, her eyes were full of tears, and her eyes were full of determination. "What do you want from me?" Chapter 1551: How many times do you want to assassinate me? (35) One second to remember. Bookben. Net, wonderful novel free reading without pop-up window! "On the birthday of the Empress, I overheard De say that he might go to find her." Yue Caizhi's eyes trembled lightly: "You help me trap her, and I will hide a million # ^ ^ small when I choose the place! Tell me ! After all, it is far away from the Cold Palace or the Hall of Supreme Harmony. "Hide a million # ^ ^ small!"! Say ?” Lin Dongxue frowned tightly and looked at her eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Don't you want to kill her?" The next second, she cried at the top of her lungs, crying like a child, "Didn't you say I couldn't kill her?"? Can't I lock you up for a day? Are you distressed? Whoo, whoo. "Don't cry." Looking at her so sad, Lin Dongxue had an indescribable feeling in her heart. This feeling is different from the past and more like a responsibility. I just want to spend a birthday with the emperor that belongs only to me and him. Is that wrong? Yue Caizhi bit his lip and gently tugged at his sleeve, saying, "Xiao Ying is dead. Do I want too much?" "I know." Lin Dongxue sighed deeply and said, "I promise you that I will not let her appear tomorrow." Looking at her crying in the rain with pear flowers, his heart was full of intolerance after all. It's just that there's a moment in my mind when I think of the girl in red. The weather is freezing, the sword light fights, if she takes a step back, not only she will die,Alumina Ceramic C795, but also the people behind her will die. Blood stained her white face and clear eyes, but she did not shed a drop of hot tears. Yue Caizhi's crying will make him feel pity. And Luo Qingchen is too strong. Will make him feel inexplicable heartache. Suddenly he felt so mean that he finally promised Yue Caizhi. But the selfishness is not only one, but the other. He did not want Lin Nanyi's birthday to be accompanied by her. Jealousy makes people lose their reason and eventually make wrong judgments. global-ceramics.com
