The female star of rebirth

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You might go. Can I go in and call a taxi? "Of course." They went inside. Sarah turned on the light and shivered again. The phone is in the living room. I'm going to lie down and cover myself with the quilt. 。

"Liangzhou Wei had already fought with Uto once." He Yan happened to come over and said, "Uto's ferocity and cunning are beyond Cui Zhongqi's imagination. Will not be as kind as I just, if Jiyang city army can not win, for the people of Mancheng, will be a disaster. Cui Yuezhi had a cold war. The most important problem is not the garrison. Xiao Jue said. What's that? "There is a lot of water in Jiyang, and Uto people can only attack by water. This battle is destined to be carried out on water.". The reason why your army is out of date is that it is not used for water attack. Cui Yuezhi frowned, "can the viceroy say more clearly?" He Yan looked at Xiao Jue and felt a little excited. Unexpectedly, Xiao Jue and she thought of going together. The young man lowered his eyes. "Boat." The most important thing is the ship. In the attic, the man withdrew his eyes, bowed his head and smiled. Ying Xiang said softly, "I didn't expect Miss He to be so skillful." Although already know he Yan in Liangzhou Wei, skill one of the best, but after all, have not seen. It is hard to imagine that the girl who fights with others in the martial arts arena is more eye-catching than when she stands quietly as a woman. The same beauty, Ying Xiang felt in her heart that the beauty of Heyan was particularly special among women all over the world. But because of this special, people who can appreciate her will not be as many as those who appreciate the beauty of the world. Four childe, "should incense mouth," today the queen of millet has begun to evacuate the people in the city, do you want to follow together? " "The teacher sent me to Jiyang to keep an eye on Xiao Huaijin. Xiao Huaijin is here. How can I evacuate alone?" Chu Zhao's eyes fell on Heyan, who seemed to be talking to Xiao Jue in the distance, and he smiled faintly. Xiao viceroy stays in Jiyang, even if Uto people come,ceramic welding tape, viceroy can also protect themselves, but the childe does not know martial arts, stay in the city, inevitably dangerous. Ying Xiang wants to persuade again. The more dangerous it is, the more I can prove my loyalty to my teacher. Chu Zhao did not care about a smile, "Ying Xiang, don't you understand?"? When the teacher gave me this matter, he gave me two ways. One way,3500mg Ozone ceramic Plate, die here, the other way, live, get things done back to Beijing. If it doesn't work out, if I go back alive, I'm dead, okay? Ying Xiang kept silent for a moment and said, "I understand." "You don't have to worry," Chu Zhao looked into the distance. "Besides, now I have a good friend who knows martial arts. Since it is so righteous and naive, I want to come. Should also protect my safety. Ying Xiang followed his gaze and looked at He Yan in the distance. After thinking about it, she reminded him, "Childe, Miss He is a subordinate of Viceroy Xiao." "You said you were a subordinate." Chu Zhao said with a smile, "There is no immutable relationship in the world. A loyal partner is a terrible old enemy in the next moment." He has seen a lot of this kind of thing. People are fickle. In the palace, Mu Xiaolou jumped down from the stone stairs with the box in his arms, 7g Ozone Generator ,Kamado bbq grill, shouting, "Grandmother!" Sitting in the hall, Mu Hongjin looked at her with a slightly tired look in her eyes. "What's the matter, Xiaolou?" "Aunt Tong asked me to take only the important things, but I liked everything." Mu Xiaolou said, "Aunt Tong says the carriage can't be put down. Why don't these grandmothers put it away for me first?"? When I go back to Jiyang, I'll ask my grandmother for it. Mu Hongjin smiled and opened the box, which was full of gadgets, crickets made of wood, a top, a puppy made of paper, and a whistle that could sing when it was blown. Most of them were bought by Cui Yuezhi from the street to please Mu Xiaolou, and some were snatched by Mu Xiaolou from his peers who were guests in the house. This is her baby, too. Mu Hongjin closed the lid of the wooden box and handed it to the maid beside him. "Well," she said, "Grandmother will put it away for Xiaolou. When Xiaolou returns to Jiyang, she will come and ask me for it." Mu Xiaolou nodded, "Grandmother must be careful to keep it." Mu Hongjin laughed and nodded her forehead: "I know, miser.". ” "Grandmother," Mu Xiaolou jumped on the soft collapse, holding her waist and acting like a spoiled child, "why should I leave Jiyang? I don't want to leave my grandmother. Can I not go to Uncle Wang's birthday party? "Nonsense," said Mu Hongjin. "How can you not go? You are the future queen, and only you can represent Jiyang. "I don't want to go." The little girl acted shamelessly. "How do I know what Uncle Wang looks like and how to get along with him? What if he is very fierce?" "No, they will be very kind to you." Mu Hongjin touched her head, gentle tone with a bit stern, "Xiaolou, you are no longer a child, grandmother can not accompany you for a lifetime, one day, you have to take charge of many things alone.". Grandmother can only rest assured when she sees you grow up. "Grow up to also want to grow up slowly," Mu Xiaolou is indissoluble, "the bamboo shoot that is not a mountain pass, one night broke ground. Mu Hongjin was amused by her words, and after laughing, his eyes were covered with a layer of worry. There is no time. Udo potential dark place, these days have been moving, she must send Mu Xiaolou out, Mu Xiaolou is the last hope of Jiyang City. She also prepared for the worst, but it was a pity that she could not see the little girl grow up and become an indestructible blessing before she became an adult. But how can there be so many regrets in the world? -- -- -- -- Digression -- -- Take the plot, oh, feel bored friends can raise a sheep, this copy will probably be finished early next month ~ Chapter 151 regret. Mu Xiaolou snuggled up to Mu Hongjin and talked for a while, and was called away by Aunt Tong. The maid at his side helped Mu Hongjin stand up, walked a few steps forward, and walked to the painted wall. The hall was spacious and deserted, and the only thing that was lively was this painted wall. The flow of people in the market and the flow of canals paint all the liveliness of Jiyang City in it. Everyone's face was full of joy and happiness, which she had not seen for many years. After all, since sitting in the position of the queen,cordierite c520, she stayed the most, that is, the empty palace.
