7 Best Student Cities in Australia

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Australia has the top 5 options for students when they plan to study abroad. In addition, there are numerous prestigious universities all over the country to satisfy the educational needs of students all over the globe. These universities and colleges are distributed in different cities ac


Australia has the top 5 options for students when they plan to study abroad. In addition, there are numerous prestigious universities all over the country to satisfy the educational needs of students all over the globe. These universities and colleges are distributed in different cities across the country.

Before you finalise your study abroad plan in Australia, you should also know about these cities. This will help you make a better choice. Below listed are the top 7 cities in Australia perfect for students –


  1. Melbourne

Only Paris has surpassed Melbourne's current rating of the Best Student Cities. Melbourne, regarded as Australia's cultural centre, is bursting at the seams with activities, especially if you enjoy watching live comedy, music, or sporting events. Seven of the city's institutions are included in international rankings. In addition, Melbourne receives the highest score in the entire index for "student mix," with multicultural interaction being cited as one of the finest aspects of student life there.

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  1. Sydney

Sydney is ranked fourth in the list of the Best Student Cities. Sydney is ranked #1 in the index for "desirability," even if it falls short of taking the top spot on our ranking of the best cities in Australia for students. Because a quarter of the students at the city's five highly regarded international universities are international, it also receives high marks for "student mix." In addition to providing a satisfying educational environment, the city is home to several of Australia's most prestigious universities.

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  1. Brisbane

Another of this year's rising stars, Brisbane, climbs up five spots to tie for 18th place with Auckland on our list of the best cities in Australia for students. Brisbane, a well-liked city with three significant colleges and a sizable student population, is known for its friendliness. Brisbane offers the perfect combination for students looking for a balance between urban and outdoor lifestyles.


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  1. Perth

This option for students in Australia is also the most remote because it lies on the western coast, more than 2,000 miles from major cities like Sydney and Melbourne. Perth, which received good marks for "desirability" and "student mix" and is rated 36th in the list of the Best Student Cities, is another enticing city to call home.

  1. Canberra

The capital of Australia, Canberra, moved up four spots this year to land in 17th place in the list of the Best Student Cities. Canberra does admirably in the category of "student mix," indicating its sizable and ethnically diversified student population, like all of the Australian entries.

