Zed Run NFT Clone Script

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With our Zed Run NFT Clone Script, Anyone can build Zed Run NFT Game and Zed Run Marketplace Platform Like Zed Run, where NFTs (horses) compete against each other for high Roi

Zed Run NFT Clone  

Zed Run Clone Script is a Blockchain-Powered NFT Digital Horse Racing Game Script To Start NFT Game like Zed.Run. With our Zed Run NFT Clone Script, Anyone can build Zed Run NFT Game and Zed Run Marketplace Platform Like Zed Run, where NFTs (horses) compete against each other for high ROI.


Zed Run NFT Game Clone Script  

Zed Run NFT Game Clone Script is a website script that helps to start a Digital Horse Racing Game Platform Like Zed Run. Zed Run NFT Game Clone allows game players to play digital horse racing and to have significant ownership of the digital racehorses.

White Label Zed Run Clone Script Software Development  

White Label Zed Run Clone Script Software is a 100% White Label Solution that enables you to build Blockchain-powered NFT Games like Zed Run and powerful NFT MarketPlace to showcase the digital Collectibles in the form of digital horses. White Label Zed Run Marketplace Clone includes most of the NFT gaming benefits and benefits of the original Zed Run NFT game. This White label Zed Run Marketplace Clone is already 100% market-ready, sparing you time and money, and it can be customized on-demand to your desired gaming business specifications.

Zed Run Clone Development Company  

BlockchainAppsDeveloper is a Leading Zed Run Clone Development Company that offers a Customizable Zed Run Clone Script and Zed Run Clone Software that performs similar to NFT Game like Zed Run. Zed Run Clone Development permits users to virtual horse racing and to have significant ownership of the digital racehorses.

Primary Features of our Zed Run Clone Software

  • Minting a Horse

  • Pay for Mint (Wallet connectivity)

  • Racing Logic

  • Racing Slots

  • Breeding

  • Metadata | Metaverse connectivity Resale in Opensea | Rarible

  • Performance of NFTs (The Horses)

Color variation of NFTs

  • Specification

  • Energy

  • Breed capacity

Home Page Features of Our Zed Run Clone Script  


  • Logo

  • Search Bar

  • Profile Avatar

  • Wallet options

  • View profile

  • Mint | Marketplace

  • Play Area

  • Support

  • Disconnect


  • Discover NFTs (Horses)

  • Latest NFTs (Horses Elements)


  • Terms Conditions

  • Privacy

  • Help and Support

  • Career

  • Social media connects

Admin Features of Our Zed Run Clone Script  

Dashboard and statistics page

  • Number of NFTs minted

  • Number of NFTs pending

  • Number of users

  • NFT lists and transaction details

Home page content detail page

  • Site name

  • Welcome text

  • Description of the platform

  • Subtitle

  • Admin email

  • No reply email

Members list

  • User ID

  • Token ID

  • Number of tokens under a particular user with IDs

Commission Settings

CMS settings

  • Payment settings

  • Social media link update

  • Categories management

  • Blogs page

  • FAQ page

  • Contact us

  • Email template

  • Pages list and contents settings

User Features of Our Zed Run Clone Script:  

1. Make an NFT:

The digital token will only be created if the user requests it. The admin's supply count/value/royalty will be used to mint the crypto token.

2. Royalty:

When the crypto or digital token is sold from one user to another user, royalties will be divided with the original owner of the genesis NFTs. The original owner will earn from each share of the crypto token sold in this manner.

3. Racing:

The numerous types of digital horses are arranged in the order in the Horse Racing and the winning results. These simulations are based on the algorithm's mathematics, which includes variables like horse bloodline, genotype, track distance, horse speed, and horse stamina.

Benefits of Our Zed Run Clone Script  

  • It provides a bundle of rewards

  • Stored in-game elements

  • A long-run game platform

  • Grouping of horses into 5 categories

  • Listing of 38,000 Genesis horses

  • Collection of Genesis horses into 4 categories

  • 1000 stimulation available

  • Creation of odds

  • Lucrative reward spot holders

  • 20,150 horses listed on the platform

  • 888 horses open for sale

Elements of Our Zed Run Clone Script  

  • Marketplace

  • Breeding

  • Racing

  • Next To Run

  • New Functionality


You can list collectibles in-game assets


creating a new breed of horses that will be chargeable


Arranged in the event that has all the details.

Next To Run:

Reflect on all the details of the upcoming events

New Functionality:

Packed with features like scalability, adaptability

Technicalities Covered In Our Zed Run Clone Script  

  • Website | Front end

  • Unity 3D part for the game

  • Smart contract with Mint feature

  • Admin Panel

  • Truffle report for smart contract

  • Fresh UI UX based on user preference

Modules Covered In Our Zed Run Game Clone Script  

  • NFT Marketplace

  • Breeding Protocol

  • Racing game floor for rarities (Game Characters)

Supported Wallet

  • Metamask

  • Trust Wallet

  • Wallet connect

  • BNB Extension

How To Launch A NFT Digital Horse Game Like Zed Run?  

Start and Build your own blockchain NFT Game like Zed Run with BlockchainAppsDeveloper - NFT Game Development Company. The NFT Game like Zed Run can be readily available in different modes which include,

Mode 1: Developing the NFT Gaming Platform from Scratch delivering the exact end-to-end NFT gaming services of the Zed Run.

Mode 2: White Label Zed Run Clone Script and customizing as per the client's suggested features and specifications.

Why Should You Buy Zed Run Clone Script From Us?  

Our Blockchain-Powered Zed Run NFT Game and Marketplace Clone Script offer end-to-end services by acquiring the exact features and functionalities of the Zed Run NFT game. This NFT Game clone can be developed by implementing the Zed Run Clone Script/Software that can be customized based on our valuable customers' needs and specifications at ease.

  • Multi-tested Game Script

  • 100% White Label Solutions

  • 150+ Dedicated Team Of Blockchain Game Professionals

  • 15+ Blockchain Networks We Expertise

  • Experienced NFT Marketplace Developers

  • Easy Integration

  • Prompt Project Delivery

  • 24/7 Customer Services

