Next to the wedding candle

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I tried my best to find out about him, but no one knew why Yin Zhongtian

I tried my best to find out about him, but no one knew why Yin Zhongtian was suddenly brought to trial secretly and what the result of the trial was. For three days in a row, my father forgot to take his medicine and sat by the phone every day, either calling everyone he knew or waiting to answer the phone. Mother quietly cried many times, although not in front of me, I also saw her eyes moist. Not to mention Yin Zhongtian's parents, they were old and dispirited in just three days. When they saw me, they always told me over and over again with tears in their eyes: "Zhong Tian was wronged, and Zhong Tian would not be corrupt.." You think of another way, think of another way. At this precarious time, I received a phone call from a friend of the procuratorate. He said that he had just received the news that Yin Zhongtian had been convicted. I'm afraid it's the death penalty. It's hard to turn around. Before I could hang up, my mother was so anxious that she pulled my sleeve with trembling hands. What did your friend say? Is Zhong Tian all right? I looked at her and then at my father, who had just come out of the room, waiting with bated breath for my answer. I smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"! The case is about to be cleared up, and Zhong Tian will be all right soon. Dad's brows finally loosened and he said. Give your uncle Yin a call. Oh, I'll do it. Go in and get some sleep. "Well!" When I got back to my room, I locked the door and dared to remove the forced smile on my face. But how long can this laughter be forced? Fire can't be wrapped up in paper. I went to Beijing to save Yin Zhongtian. The person I thought I would never meet again appeared so suddenly. In the presidential suite of the International Hotel, when Ye Zhengchen's thousand-year-old frozen face appeared in front of my eyes, my tense nerves were completely broken. My first reaction was to run away, to a place where I could no longer see him, for fear that if I ran a little slower, I would not be able to escape. Girl It was the most frequently heard call in the nightmare, "Girl, let's talk.." I have nothing to say to you. Three years ago, we were strangers, and I can't think of anything we can talk about now. I have,x56 line pipe, I.. "Save your strength. I won't believe a word you say!" I pushed him away and was about to open the lock when his flat voice came. You don't want to save your fiance? I heard him say. No one can save him but me. I am so cold that my bones are shaking. I have faced too many deaths and seen too many broken families. Compared with death, humiliation seems so insignificant. As long as I can save the life of Yin Zhongtian, I can give anything, including a dirty deal of power and sex, being pressed on the bed by the man I hate most. During the whole process, I closed my eyes and dared not look at his face. I was afraid that when I saw his face, I would be bewitched by him. But later, he hugged me tightly, kissed me and said to me: "Girl, I miss you very much!" " I can no longer resist the thoughts of him, face on his chest, let him fill my empty body again and again. Finally, lost in his almost crazy demands, I fell into the abyss of love and desire. When I woke up in the extreme happiness, 321 stainless steel sheet ,a333 grade 6 pipe, I found myself holding his shoulder and kissing him in a confused way. I have no regrets at all! I just hate, not hate him as a beast, but hate my own "can't help it". Dragging a body of pain and fatigue, I returned to the small hotel, after bathing, I stood in front of the window of the small hotel, the night wind dried the wet. My body is full of blue and purple hickeys, no matter how much water can not wash away the mark of betrayal on my body. The Hummer under the elm tree had not left yet, and the faint smoke came out of the exhaust pipe and disappeared. I closed the window, closed the curtains, and called my parents to tell them that I was safe. I told them, "Don't believe the rumors outside. They are all talking nonsense.". My friend in Beijing helped to ask, the task force focused on the top people, Zhong Tian is just to assist in the investigation. They were relieved. Hung up the phone, picked up the phone and read the message again: "I'm so hungry!"! I want to eat another bowl of noodles you cooked. Not intending to tangle with him again, I deleted the message and saved the phone number for a rainy day. After waiting anxiously for three days, there was finally news from Nanzhou. The task force found out that the deputy mayor had a huge sum of money of unknown origin. During the examination process, the deputy mayor had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. He is currently in the intensive care unit. Now people in Nanzhou are in a panic, and everyone feels insecure. This situation makes me a little anxious, not sure whether the current situation is beneficial to Yin Zhongtian, nor do I know whether he will be convicted in the end. Moreover, Ye Zhengchen, a medical doctor studying in Japan, I am not sure how much ability he has. I asked an acquaintance in Beijing, and he told me to wait for the news and not to be impatient. How could I not be in a hurry? Under great anxiety, I walked aimlessly in Beijing alone. A taxi pulled up next to me and asked me where I was going. Impulsively, I said, "Go ahead." I wanted to see if there was one. 38. Meet you.. The possibility of petition, to the door of the committee, I looked at the solemn door from a distance, and then looked at the door of a serious face of the armed police, dare not cross the line half a step. I was wandering around the gate, and a black Hummer stopped at the gate, not far from me. As soon as an armed policeman saw the license plate, he trotted all the way over and saluted respectfully. The door of the cab opened, and a young and mighty soldier stepped down from the car, bowed to open the rear door, and put his hand on the roof. A man slowly stepped down from the car. I've seen a lot of soldiers, but I've never seen one with such momentum. They don't need any posturing, and their gestures naturally reveal the feeling of a leader. Armed police stepped back, saluted again, made way, and motioned him to go in. The man didn't go in, turned around and looked at me. In front of the solemn and solemn committee gate, he turned around slightly, the sunshine fell on his indifferent handsome face,x52 line pipe, and his light eyes fell on me. I took a few steps back, only to feel that the sunshine made me dizzy, and the golden buttons on the dark green uniform made me unable to open my eyes. 39. The truth appears. I would never have thought that that person was.. Ye Zhengchen!.
