Collection of Cai Jun's Horror Short Stories

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Collection of Cai Jun's Horror Short Stories

I believe that "Paul" spent his youth in the streets and alleys of Shanghai County. One evening, more than four hundred years ago, the son of a small businessman who was so poor that he occasionally had to farm to make a living, was looking out of a small, dark latticed window upstairs. It is surrounded by tall white firewalls of deep houses and courtyards, while across the narrow street are red window lattices and blue tiles. He could only see a small sky through the broken eaves, and he saw a big bird that could not be named, flying across the red sky. So the boy put down his book and ran down the stairs quietly. He went out through the back door. There was an alley only wide enough for one person to pass. He passed through the long alley. Next to it was the high wall of the mansion. The sky above him was like a gap. The boy quickly walked out of the alley and ran eastward on a wide bluestone road. The streets of Shanghai in the 16th century were filled with all kinds of smells, which were the smells of goods from south to north and peasants from nearby countryside. There is also the smell of the sweat of the sedan-chair bearers, the smell of women's powder, the smell of yellow wine in the tavern, the taste of stir-fried dishes in the folk houses, the taste of medicinal materials in the pharmacy, and the flavor of leather in the fur shop. In short, Shanghai in the 16th century brought together all the smells from south to north, put them in the streets to ferment, and spread them into the air to float. Teenagers smell these smells, can not help but feel dizzy, suddenly, a gust of wind blowing from the east, it is another smell, let people float or sink the smell, vast and turbulent. The boy ran eastward with the wind, and soon he came to the foot of the wall. Since the war seven years before he was born, Shanghai had never experienced the disaster of Japanese pirates, so it gradually became an undefended city. He easily ran up the wall from the horse path, and on the high Danfeng Tower, the boy leaned against the railing and looked in the direction of the Huangpu River. In the 16th century, the Huangpu River was a vast expanse of misty waves. The west bank was full of wharfs and all kinds of ships, especially the two-masted sailing ships. The east bank was a river beach,Vending Machine Motor, with green reeds growing in clusters. Flocks of birds flew along the river bank, and white seabirds from the mouth of the Yangtze River also crossed the river to feed. Further east, there is a vast Pudong field, where there are rice and cotton fields, cobweb-like waterways, and everything is covered with a layer of red by the sunset. At this moment, facing the Huangpu River, we can't see the sunset. The sun in the west is on the other side of Danfeng Tower. Teenagers can't see it. Not only the sun, but also the sea boy at the end of the field could not see it, but he knew that the sea was slowly stirring the tide on the sandbar dozens of miles away. Who knows how eager this sixteenth-century Shanghai teenager was to see the sea and the sunset at the same time? At this moment, a travel-stained stranger in a long-distance travel costume came to the teenager's side. Holding the railing, the stranger also looked at the Huangpu River, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally returned to the "Phoenix Tower overlooking". The boy looked back at the stranger's face. The son of a small businessman had seen many people, including businessmen from Guangdong, Parallel Shaft Gearbox ,Small Dc Gear Motor, tailors from Ningbo, sedan bearers from northern Jiangsu, scholars from Suzhou, sailors from Fujian and tax collectors from Nanjing, but he had never seen the man in front of him. Where are you from? When a teenager asks a stranger, it's like questioning some suspicious person. Young man, I come from Sichuan. The stranger answered politely. People from Sichuan? No, this is my hometown. I am an official in Sichuan. I have just been dismissed and returned to my hometown. The stranger said slowly. He set out from Chengdu, went straight down the Chuanjiang River by boat, entered the Three Gorges, left Baidi City, and arrived at Jiangling in only one day. Then it took another month to cross the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuchang, Shizhong Mountain in Hukou, Caishiji in Dangtu, Jinshan and Jiaoshan in Zhenjiang, and finally to Wusongkou and Huangpu River. You're still wearing your travel clothes. Did you just get off the dock? The stranger smiled and nodded. When he arrived at the dock outside the East Gate and looked up at the high plaque of Danfeng Tower, he seemed to have forgotten everything. The stranger did not return to his own garden close at hand, but went directly to the tall building on the city wall. The boy continued to ask, "Since your home is here, why don't you go home first, but come to the Danfeng Tower?"? Because the scenery here is very beautiful. The stranger's eyes were fixed on the distant horizon. Is it beautiful to look out here? The stranger paused for a moment, then sighed and said, "Yes, no matter where I go in the world, I am fascinated by the river view of" Phoenix Tower Overlooking ". However, there is no sea or sunset here. The stranger smiled and said that the sea was too far away from here, and people's eyesight could not reach it. The sunset was in the west, how could it be seen facing the east? Unless you can fly to the sky like a bird, high in the sky, I think, maybe you can see the sea in the distance and the sunset in the west. The boy nodded and said in a loud voice, "I just want to fly to the sky.". The stranger laughed and felt that the young man whose lips had just grown some fluff was really interesting. How could a man fly into the sky without the wings of a bird? The boy replied, "People don't have the four long legs of a horse, but they can still travel long distances on the road, because people have carriages.". People Without the fins and tails of fish, they can still sail on rivers, lakes and seas, because people have boats. The stranger listened to the boy's words, which, though awkward, seemed to contain something more important. He frowned and asked, "Do you mean that people can use some kind of tool to fly in the sky like they use carriages and boats to travel on land and rivers?"? Yes. The boy still looked at the sky. The stranger nodded and looked at the red sky as well. The boy suddenly asked him, "Can you give me your umbrella?"? The stranger was a little strange, but he took out the oil-paper umbrella behind his back and handed it to the teenager. Then, the boy put up his umbrella, slowly climbed up the railing, like a tightrope, and stood on the railing with both feet. The stranger was surprised and called the boy down,12v Dc Motor High Torque Low Rpm, but the boy did not listen. Then the boy stood up straight on the railing, stretched out his hands to his sides, and held the handle of the open oil-paper umbrella in his right hand.
