Study Tips from a College Graduate - Time Management And Note Taking.

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Hello my frens it's nina and i'm gonna give you my study tips!!! and a bunch of life tips too i guess

Hello my friends it's Nina and i aam so excited to be making this video also i don't know how long I’m going to be wearing these i can't wear them like this or else you can't see my eyeballs i just thought the glasses fit but they're not really working out this is also fine too so today i'm going to be talking about my study tips and how i survived Essay writing in help Oxford from experts college because as a college graduate i think i am somewhat qualified to give you some study tips so without further ado let's just get into it so just some background information i graduated from uc berkeley just a month ago i was in college for four years i was first a community college student and then i transferred to uc berkeley i started college right after high school no break.

I just went right in and then i'm done within 4 years throughout my college career i got As and Bs mostly As in my first two years of community college i actually got a 4.0 when i got to berkeley i actually didn't do that bad i got mostly As and i think like a B per semester but that's okay, grades don't define you it just defines whether you get stuff done or not i was a media studies major at uc berkeley so my studies were very liberal arts oriented there was a lot of reading lots of papers lots of writing in the exams but i think that heavily affected the way that i studied in general my tips should be helpful for someone out there this also doesn't just apply to college this can apply Essay writing in help LiverPool from experts to high school middle school any level of education you're in you don't even have to be in school hopefully there's some kind of tip in here that helps you with your life but other than that let's just get into the video so i'm going to jump right in to my very first tip which is probably the most important tip that i cannot stress enough is give yourself lots of time to study looking back through my college career i don't think there was ever a time that i studied less than two days it was always at least two days for me to study for an exam the way that i got myself to study earlier was to just read the study guide as soon as possible.

I don't know how it is for every major but for every single class that i've taken at uc berkeley we had study guides for pretty much everything after you read the study guide you decide whether you're going to study right after or if you're gonna study the next day but at least you opened the study guide but that's always how i did it, i just read the study guide as soon as possible and usually i would just go right into studying but of course sometimes you put it off and that's ok not really the best thing to do but that's okay but as a college graduate and as a person that's literally experienced every level of education except for grad school i'm not doing that giving myself enough time to study was so important i would have time to ask questions i would have time to literally go thru everything that's on the study guide a lot about productivity and motivation and all that has to do with how you feel mentally and physically, but mostly mentally and so if you're not in a time crunch you're not anxious, you're not panicking you're not feeling like you're all over the place and now that we've discussed time and now that we've actually started our study session i'm going to get into the fun part which is note taking and actually studying so i think the first biggest tip is obviously handwriting your notes now personally i actually typed my notes in college most of the time unless the class required that you write your notes in a notebook i preferred just using a laptop mostly out of efficiency i love handwriting my notes, i love stationery and all that but out of efficiency and because lectures can sometimes be super fast i just opted for a laptop and just typing it out on google docs or something i usually had a notebook associated to each class that i had even if i used the laptop i would just keep a notebook for that class and i would just keep it at home but i would rewrite my notes from my laptop to this notebook and then i would go into annotation i actually have examples of how i did this the notebook that i used throughout college it began with spiral notebooks but then i moved on to muji notebooks ever since my friend introduced me to muji a year or so ago but basically for this class i typed out all my notes but i still had a notebook for it and in this notebook i would write out all my notes in black then i would highlight anything i needed to highlight i'm not sure if everyone does this i'd be surprised if people didn't do this but i like indenting and using bullet point systems i hope that people do this it would just help visually to see my notes go like this and this instead of just having everything go like this but after i finish writing a page of notes in black and underlining everything i need to underline i would actually go and start color coding.

i didn't really have a system it was more just like one color was the heading and another was terms and another was like little notes that i wanted to highlight i just wanna tell you guys that i really went ham with my studying i'm looking back at the notes from a class that i took i really tried hard i got a good grade in that class so it was worth it for the annotation i would use a red pen or a blue pen just anything that wasn't black then i would annotate my notes i think we all know what annotating is but basically what annotating is is just making more notes about what you're reading you would annotate a textbook, a novel i annotated my own notes and this was effective because basically you were rereading what you rewrote wow i really did the most and so you would get results like this where you just had black and red i would bubble important things i would circle important things i also drew a lot of diagrams but basically simplified my note taking system is writing it all out in black and underlining what i needed to remembering to indent and use bullet points and then i would highlight those black notes and then finally i would annotate my own notes until i understood it more oh that reminds me i should show you what i actually highlighted with AHH i dropped it nooo these zebra mildliners and just some highlighters from muji were my lifesavers it's just nice to have a variety of colors for your brain good thing about these mildliners is you have a chisel point as you can see right here and then on the other side a nice fine tip pen so it helped with underlining and highlighting and then i just used black blue and red pens for standard writing just some quick other points that can help you with your studying i also use quizlet i don't think i used quizlet that much by the end of my college career i think i used it more for earlier classes when there were a lot of terms and stuff but if there are a lot of terms you can use quizlet, you can also make physical flashcards but out of efficiency as well i just didn't wanna buy a bunch of index cards as a college student you just lean towards efficiency and convenience but i think writing out my notes in a notebook was efficient enough i didn't need flashcards because it was all in here and i could just flip through everything like this now we're moving on to the next tip which is time management and part of time management for me was using a bullet journal i actually started bullet journaling in high school but my system was just not efficient at all i couldn't keep up with it and so it wasn't really helpful in high school but in college i was bullet journaling all the time but having a bullet journal really kept me on schedule and helped me see what my tasks were and i was actually consistent with my bullet journal as well every single sunday i would take the time to open my bullet journal listen to good music and take the time to write out my life write out my thoughts write out my tasks make my journal pretty.
