How education can save the world

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Student life is full of complications.They can take the help assignment help services and make their academic life easy. Today, we are going to discuss the importance of academic life in a student life.

 And essential skills well for me as a montessori teacher the answer is simple it's to do with the classroom or what we call the prepared environment simple adaptations such as allowing children to sit where they wish sit with whom they want or represent their research in a way that suits them is simple small changes that would develop independence a core skill going forward and confidence now this was proven to me a few weeks ago i was teaching kindergarten and i approached three girls they were doing a project and i said hey girls it's time for your science lesson one six-year-old turned to me and said gavin we're really busy today do you mind if we do it tomorrow and to me that was a success she told the principal hey go away we're busy and i left now thinking of kindergarten a child today in kindergarten in australia will graduate 2032 12 years from now who knows what the world would look like in 12 years.Visit: online homework writing service in US

 We do know what it looked like 12 years ago in 2008 there was no tesla cars on the road the iphone had just been released and google maps was a figment of someone's imagination so who knows what content our children are going to need in 2032 we don't but we do know what skills they will need they'll need love empathy compassion understanding resilience all of these skills are extremely important now 2020 was a year of the pandemic and still is and we told our children i'm sorry school is closed you have to leave classes are going to be done remotely take your laptop home to your bedroom you're going to have to survive without a teacher and recess is cancelled indefinitely now we all worried our children were going to struggle they were going to suffer but they didn't they went home they got to their bedrooms and they thrived and they proved to us they were adaptable they could adapt to change they were resilient they could manage their time.

 They proved to us that executive functioning is not just for executives it sits in every classroom in the world now interestingly seventy percent of everything you ever learned was in before you were seven years old 70 percent same with our children and interestingly enough in australia the average child will spend about 140 hours at school per month compared to 540 at home it's a big difference and why am i telling you these statistics.check out:online homework writing service in uk

i'm telling you then because it tells us that learning is not confined to the classroom learning takes place everywhere at home at school in the park in the car and as adults what we can actually do is think about that and small changes at home such as allowing your child to pack their own bag make their own lunch choose their own clothes they seem small and yes your son might forget his hat on a sunny day.
