Why Nobody Cares About Finance Jobs by Crescendo Global

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Crescendo Global is a global Leadership Hiring & Recruitment Firm. Fortune 500 companies are our clients and we help them hire the right people at the right time. Our industry expert consultants provide end to end talent solutions. We are India's top

  1. Because they're not real jobs

A finance job is a job title, not a career path. You don't get paid to do anything; you just get paid to sit around and look busy. If you want to make money doing something useful, try being a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or engineer instead.

  1. Because they pay less than minimum wage

You might think that working at a bank would be a great way to start making some serious cash, but if you actually look at what banks pay their employees, you'll find that it's much lower than minimum wage. Banks are notorious for paying low wages and giving out little to no benefits.

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  1. Because they're boring

If you've ever worked in a bank, then you know that it's pretty much the same thing day after day. You go to work, you do your job, you clock out, and you go home. Sure, there may be some variation in terms of how many hours you have to work each week, but that doesn't mean that banking isn't a dead-end job.

  1. Because they're dangerous

Working in a bank means that you could easily end up getting shot. In fact, according to Forbes, the risk of death while working in a bank is higher than any other profession except for police officer.

  1. Because they're stressful

Banking is a high-pressure environment. You're constantly under scrutiny from customers, co-workers, and management. There's always someone watching over your shoulder to make sure that you're doing everything correctly.

  1. Because they're dull

Most people who work in banks spend their time sitting behind a desk, staring at computer screens. They rarely interact with anyone outside of their own department, and even then, they only talk about work.

  1. Because they're soul crushing

The idea of going to work every day and doing the exact same thing over and over again sounds absolutely miserable. Most people who work in banks aren't happy with their jobs, and they often feel trapped.

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