Your Guide to Writing In-Text Citation and Footnotes in APA Style

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Here is a guide to Writing In-Text Citation and Footnotes in APA Style

When you write a paper in APA style, you need to include in-text citations and footnotes to give credit to the sources of your information. This guide will teach you how to do both correctly. In-text citations are brief references that appear in parentheses within the text of your paper. Footnotes are superscript numbers that appear at the bottom of each page. In this blog post, Our 

Malaysia assignment helper will focus on how to write in-text citations and footnotes in APA style.

1. In-Text Citations

When using APA style, an in-text citation is placed in parentheses after the sentence or phrase that contains the quote or paraphrase. The citation includes the author's last name and the year of publication. For example: "In order to be successful, young adults need to develop a strong work ethic" (Smith, 2020). If you are quoting directly from the source, you will also need to include the page number. For example: "According to one study, 'the single most important factor in career success is not IQ or education level, but rather whether an individual has learned how to effectively control his or her emotions" (Goleman, 1995, p. 53).

2. Footnotes

Footnotes are notes placed at the bottom of the page that provides additional information about a particular part of the text. They are typically used to provide clarification or to give credit for quoted or paraphrased material. If you choose to use footnotes, they should be placed at the end of the relevant sentence and numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Each footnote should include the author's last name, the publication date, and the page number(s) of the material being cited.

3. Quotations

When you include a direct quotation in your paper, you must include the author’s last name, the date of publication, and the page number where the quotation can be found. This information should be included in parentheses after the quotation.


4. Formatting Your Paper

When you write a paper in APA style, you need to format it correctly. This includes setting the margins, font size and type, line spacing, and page numbers. You should also include a title page with a running head, title, and author information. For more tips on formatting your paper, online homework help can provide you with everything from editing to formatting assistance.

5. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious offense. It is defined as the use of someone else’s words or ideas without giving credit. When you write a paper in APA style, you need to be sure that all of your sources are properly cited, both in the text and in the bibliography. If you are unsure about how to cite a source, ask your professor or consult the APA Style Guide.


This is just a basic overview of how to write in-text citations and footnotes in APA style. For more detailed information, please consult our customer service or ask your instructor for help.
