Things To Know About Hair Transplant Procedure

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Hair loss is usually a significant problem, especially for women and younger people.

Sometimes, more than one approach is required to achieve the desired outcome, but hair transplantation is still likely the best option. Recent developments in medical technology have made the process almost painless and incredibly successful in yielding nearly natural outcomes.

Before undergoing a hair transplant procedure, there are a few things that one must know about the procedure. In this blog, we will guide the readers through all the important things they must know about hair transplants so that they can make wise decisions. To make the post enriching with the right knowledge, we have gathered insights from Dr. Sumit Agrawal, an expert hair transplant surgeon at Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic, renowned as the best hair transplant clinic in Mumbai. Continue reading to learn.

Wait Until the Age of 25 Before Getting Hair Transplant

There is no perfect age to get a hair transplant. Hair transplants may be an excellent option for people who are experiencing baldness. However, baldness is primarily caused by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It takes until the age of 25 for this hormone to reach full maturity. It is, therefore, preferable to put off getting a hair transplant until after the age of 25.

Women Can Also Get Hair Transplant Procedure

Without a doubt, women who get hair transplants can achieve results that are just as good as those of men. It is crucial to choose an experienced doctor who has handled hair transplants as well as hair loss in the real world. Women are more likely to have other medical conditions that can cause hair loss. Finding the source of the hair loss is essential, and treating any underlying medical issues should come first before undergoing a hair transplant.

Transplanted Hair Follicles Last a Lifetime

It takes some time for the skin to heal after hair follicles are transplanted into thinning areas. It is actually common to experience some hair loss during the first three months following the procedure. The healing process may require six to twelve months. However, after the healing phase is over, the transplanted follicles start to produce hair, which will cover the bald areas of the scalp. The natural growth of this hair will continue as one age. The transplanted follicles have a lifespan just like the rest of the hair follicles.

Hair Transplant Procedure is Not Expensive

When one weighs the many benefits of hair transplants, their cost is typically negligible. Once an individual has a hair transplant, the benefits will last the rest of their life and are truly permanent. One will discover that having a hair transplant may be less expensive in the long run than taking medication to keep and grow new hair.

One Can Get Hair Transplant Before Balding

It is not necessary to wait until the baldness patterns start to become visible. One can get the hair transplant procedure done even before the baldness to maintain the hair on their head. They can also take a hair transplant in combination with other hair growth procedures to prevent their existing hair from falling out.

Hair Transplant is Done with the Patient’s Own Hair

This procedure is completely safe as it requires the patient’s own hair follicles. In a hair transplant procedure, only a patient’s healthy hair is moved from one part of the scalp to another. One eventually grows a healthy head full of hair once the hair begins to grow in its new location.

Not Everyone is an Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplant

Keep in mind that not everyone is a suitable candidate for hair transplant surgery to replace lost hair. To begin with, one needs a hair donor area that is appropriate and has an abundance of hair for hair grafting. Secondly, one should have a healthy scalp.


A hair transplant is an advanced and most preferred procedure for hair growth. There are various methods of performing a hair transplant. Gaining prior knowledge about the procedure can help an individual make wise decisions for themselves. One should always consult with a doctor before undergoing a procedure to understand the procedure and its outcomes thoroughly.

Looking for a hair transplant clinic in Mumbai? You can visit Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic. It is led by Dr. Sumit Agrawal, a skilled hair transplant surgeon with more than 23 years of experience. The clinic offers FUT, FUE, revision, vertex, and high-density hair transplant procedures, among other hair transplant techniques, to reverse baldness. Since every patient’s case of hair loss is different, the clinic provides personalized hair transplants to all of its clients. To learn more, visit Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic.
