Don’t Let the Pregnancy Gingivitis Spoil Your Dental Health

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Pregnancy brings a time of blissful serenity, which may present minor inconvenience. If it is left unattended, it may lead to severe conditions like pregnancy gingivitis.

Pregnancy brings a time of blissful serenity, which may present minor inconvenience. If it is left unattended, it may lead to severe conditions like pregnancy gingivitis. Have you ever felt hormonal changes during your pregnancy?

The content will be beneficial if you are conceiving for the first time. During pregnancy, hormonal changes may lead to plaque, inflammation, and bleeding. Some women may face sore or swollen gums, leading to bleeding. 

Know the Symptoms of Gingivitis 

If you are dealing with this dental ailment for the first time, you must know the symptoms of this dental problem you are facing. If you feel the symptoms below, don’t take them lightly and immediately visit your dentist. These will include, 

  • Sensitive teeth 
  • Bleeding and receding gums 
  • Loss or wobbly teeth 
  • Red, swollen, or tender gum tissues 
  • Pain or discomfort during chewing 
  • A discomforting bad breath 

Causes of Gingivitis 

Multiple dental causes disturb your oral health and make it inconvenient for you, the woman, in their critical time. One of the most common causes is oral hygiene. In an unhygienic situation, the teeth start getting plaque, and a sticky film forms on the teeth. 

The plaque needs to be removed timely. Otherwise, it will start converting into tartar and attract more bacteria to accumulate on your teeth. The tartar is more difficult to remove and causes gums to bleed or swell. 

The more the tartar remains on teeth, the more it irritates the oral health and causes inflammation in the gums. Besides tartar, it causes tooth decay and, in severe cases, causes periodontitis, which leads to tooth loss. 

Best Pregnancy Gingivitis Treatments 

During pregnancy, women need to be more careful than ever before because their lifestyle affects them and the baby in their womb. Proper oral hygiene will protect your teeth from plaque and reduce the hassle of removing tartar.


Moreover, it also tightens the gumline and smooths the base of your teeth. Any disease you do not focus on properly may cause severe outcomes. So, it is best to treat the disease in its best way, but remember to visit your dentist.

Some of the natural remedies you can follow to protect your gums and teeth from the periodontal disease are, 

  • Aloe Vera Gel 

Aloe vera is highly known for its soothing properties. Applying aloe vera to your teeth and gums helps reduce inflammation and is highly suitable for promoting the healing process.

  • Saltwater Rinse 

You can also use salt water to floss your mouth correctly. Gargling the mouth with warm water and salt reduces bacterial content in your mouth and prevents plaque accumulation. The remedy is also helpful in alleviating gum inflammation.

It's one of the inexpensive but highly effective home remedies to preserve dental health. If you are feeling the occurrence of gum disease, the treatment is the best choice for pregnancy gingivitis. 

  • Oil Pulling Method 

This periodontal disease natural treatment involves the use of coconut oil. You can make your teeth white apart by removing the bacteria by placing a small portion of coconut oil in your mouth for a few minutes. The oil will remove all the stains and bacteria from your teeth and increase their brightness. 

  • Dietary Modifications 

When you inhibit using foods that can harm your teeth, your teeth will not discolor or be damaged. So, there is a need to avoid foods like coffee, tea, dark juices, and tannins. Try to use foods rich in calcium as they strengthen your tooth enamel.

  1. Foods Rich in Vitamin C 

One of the best foods that helps you keep your jaws healthy and free from periodontal disease is vitamin C foods. You can also use green leafy vegetables, which maintain your immune system and help repair the gum tissues. 

  1. A Fesh Cranberry Juice 

Cranberry juice is one of the best foods to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and maintain the health of your teeth. It is also helpful in preventing pregnancy gingivitis. 

  • Following the Proper Hygiene 

Apart from using a healthy diet and cleaning methods, you can also follow the proper hygiene to ensure better and long-term dental health. Arranging regular dentist visits also helps you stay updated with your current oral health and what you must do to maintain proper health.
