The Link Between Air Pollution and Childhood Asthma

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In this guide by Dr. Promilla Butani, a top child specialist in South Delhi, we have covered the impact of pollutants on asthma and how air quality affects asthma. The expert child specialist runs her patient-friendly clinic, i.e. Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice.

There is a direct link between air pollution and childhood asthma (a chronic lung disease). Air pollution can make the symptoms of asthma worse and can also cause asthma attacks. It is also believed that asthma makes air symptoms worse and can cause asthma attacks. Wondering if there is a link between air pollution and childhood asthma? You’ve landed at the right place. 

In this guide by Dr. Promilla Butani, a top child specialist in South Delhi, we have covered the impact of pollutants on asthma and how air quality affects asthma. The expert child specialist runs her patient-friendly clinic, i.e. Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice

Does Air Quality Affect Asthma? 

Yes, air pollutants affect kids who have asthma. They tend to affect and irritate the airways by making them swell and tightening them. This further leads to breathing problems. These pollutants can make children more prone to upper respiratory infections such as cold, which is known for bringing asthma symptoms. Pollutants can aggravate the lungs sensitivity to allergens in the air if they are an asthma trigger. 

Which Pollutants Affect Breathing? 

One of the pollutants that affect breathing is the ozone layer. One must have heard about how the ozone layer protects us from the sun’s rays. Other pollutants include ground-level ozone, which affects the lungs. It occurs when the chemicals from the car or factories combine with sunlight. Particle pollution can also cause breathing issues. It is produced when dust, dirt or smoke hang in the air. The smaller the particle is, the deeper it gets in the lungs and causes difficulty in breathing. 

How Can I Protect My Child? 

  1. Check AQI (Air Quality Index)

If one lives in an area where there is a lot of pollution, pay utmost attention to the pollution levels. The AQI measures ground-level ozone, particle pollution, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. 

  1. Other Tips

If the quality of air is extremely poor, run the air conditioning and limit the children’s time they spend outside playing. Plan their outdoor activities in the morning when the air quality is much finer. Ask them to avoid roaming in areas where there is a lot of traffic. If they spend a lot of time in a car, they must keep their windows closed and should run the air conditioning. It is also a good idea to improve air quality at home. This can be done by venting all gas appliances to the outside or by avoiding heating wood in the house. 

It is also advised to talk to a child specialist about increasing your child’s medicine during days when the air pollution is high. These modifications can be included as a part of the child’s asthma plan. 

Therefore, if your child is having asthma and is facing issues in breathing due to high pollution, they must seek the guidance of a top child doctor. Dr. Promilla Butani is ranked in the list of top 10 child specialist in South Delhi and heads Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice. She also has experience spanning over 5 decades. 

The doctor will look after your child’s health with utmost dedication, and besides asthma, she has extensive experience in providing treatment for hepatitis, jaundice, typhoid and other diseases. She also offers vaccinations and tips to mothers on breastfeeding. 

To schedule a consultation with her, one can visit Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice.
