The Lord of the Flies Unmasking the Human Shadow" William Golding's enduring masterpiece, "The Lord of the Flies," originally published in 1954, serves as a profound exploration of the inherent darkness residing within the human psyche. The story revolves around a group of British boys stranded on a deserted island during wartime. Their attempts to establish order and create a society ultimately disintegrate, leading them into chaos and brutality. Within its pages, the novel delves into profound themes of power, fear, and the fragile veneer of civilization. As their society crumbles, the boys turn to face painting and engage in savage rituals, exposing the depths of their descent. Their plunge into savagery and their idolization of a severed pig's head unveil the shadows that can lurk within humanity. This timeless work continues to challenge readers to contemplate the delicate boundary between civilization and barbarity.
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