Leadership Coaching Tips for Business Owners

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Learn leadership coaching from the best tips by industry professionals

Leadership coaching is a way to learn and practice your skills in a safe space. It can also boost your job satisfaction and even help you build a better work-life balance.

Often, new managers and leaders are thrown into their role without any training. Leadership and executive coaching is a powerful tool that can transform your professional life and bring about lasting change.

Improved Communication Skills

Leadership coaching is a great way to improve communication skills in the workplace. By focusing on active listening and effective feedback, coaching helps leaders to better convey their ideas and vision while creating a supportive work environment. This allows them to build stronger relationships and minimize misunderstandings, which can lead to improved productivity and overall team success.

Additionally, leadership coaches can help leaders develop their emotional intelligence, or EQ. This is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions as well as those of others, which is a crucial component of effective leadership. When leaders have a high level of EQ, they can better motivate their teams and foster a positive work culture.

Our Brisbane-based Leader as Coach program is designed to help individuals and organisations unlock their potential. Founded with the mission to guide established and emerging leaders, Peter Doyle Coaching offers professional and personal development programs that are based on years of experience. These are complemented by the principles and practices of positive psychology. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how they can help you achieve your goals.

Developing a Growth Mindset

As a leader, it’s important to develop a growth mindset in order to encourage your people to do the same. This is because it means encouraging your team to explore new ways of thinking and different approaches to work-related challenges. It’s also about encouraging them to embrace change and welcome feedback.

Those who have a growth mindset believe that their abilities aren’t set in stone, and they can improve over time with hard work. The opposite is a fixed mindset, which believes that your skills are what you’re born with and won’t change no matter how much effort you put in.

It’s difficult to cultivate a growth mindset by yourself, but you can get help from others. One way to do this is by looking for role models who embody it. It could be someone who has a beautiful voice, or even someone like Albert Einstein who once said “genius is 1% talent and 99% work.” Try to emulate these traits in your own life. This can also be achieved through reading books and challenging yourself to learn something that you’re not good at.

Seeing Your Strengths

Seeing your leadership strengths is one of the most valuable takeaways that coaching can offer. This is because it can help you see where your strengths lie so that you can use them to your advantage. Having this information can help you become a better leader and improve your performance as a business owner.

Today’s leaders are expected to guide their organisations through overwhelming complexity, speed of change and uncertainty that impact communities both local and global. Our industry-leading coaches support leaders on their developmental journey to build engagement, transform organisation culture and realise big visions and missions that have a positive impact.

Unlike a traditional leadership development program that tends to focus on identifying weaknesses and developing solutions to them, a strength-based approach focuses on building capabilities and capacity. This is a powerful strategy for leveraging leadership potential and promoting sustainable high-performance. However, this approach is still relatively new and the research base on the effectiveness of a strength-based approach to leadership coaching is emerging. This book reviews key areas of this approach and outlines and describes a model of strengths-based leadership coaching in organizations.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share another’s feelings. It’s a key leadership skill and it requires a genuine connection with your team members.

When you prioritise empathy you create a work environment that fosters growth and success. Empathy also helps reduce stress levels in the workplace and prevents burnout. Leaders who are empathetic listen attentively to their teams and provide supportive feedback. They recognise when a member of the team is feeling overwhelmed and take steps to ensure they feel supported.

The difference between empathy and sympathy is that sympathy acknowledges a situation but does not evoke emotion, whilst empathy feels the pain of a person. Empathy is the most powerful form of emotional intelligence and a crucial component of leadership.

The leaders who will flourish in the future are those who can empathise with their teams. They will build resonance respect resilience, connectivity and cohesion which leads to superior organisational performance. This is the type of leadership that will save lives, heal communities and improve wellbeing. We are helping current and future leaders develop this socially intelligent leadership with our specialised training.

Executive Presence

A strong executive presence is a critical component of success at all levels of leadership. This quality combines several factors, including confidence, poise under pressure, decisiveness, emotional intelligence, and professional appearance. While it may seem like a mysterious quality that some leaders possess and others don’t, executive presence is actually a skill that can be learned.

Those with strong executive presence are able to convey their vision in a clear, concise way, which allows their team members and senior leaders to understand it easily. They avoid weak language, such as qualifiers and diminishing statements, and focus on building trust with their teammates by displaying genuine care for others and embracing authenticity.

They also make a point of seeking feedback on their performance from mentors and supervisors, as well as peers and subordinates. This continual improvement shows a commitment to personal growth and professional excellence, which is a major component of executive presence. This approach enables them to inspire confidence in the people around them, which opens the door to future opportunities. Ultimately, executives with strong executive presence have the potential to become leaders that their teams look up to and respect.

