Baskin-Robins Marketing Analysis

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Baskin-Robins is one of the world-known brands of ice cream with up to 700 stores in the UAE. It offers a high-quality ice cream, specialty-frozen desserts, and incredible library of recipes for more than 1200 flavors.

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Baskin-Robins is one of the world-known brands of ice cream with up to 700 stores in the UAE. It offers a high-quality ice cream, specialty-frozen desserts, and incredible library of recipes for more than 1200 flavors. According to the company’s vision statement, Baskin-Robbins is world-leading ice-cream chain shop that offers its customers a wide range of flavors to choose from (Baskin-Robbins, n.d.). With over 15,000 stores in 45 countries, the company is belongs to Dunkin’s Brand and restores its leadership of the Quick Service Restaurant. In 1979, the popularity of Baskin-Robins reached Dubai, the UAE (Baskin-Robins, n.d.). The company has expanded its Middle East operations because of the decline in domestic performance. The international outlets have allowed the company to increase its revenue by 10% (Treffis Team, 2011). Apparently, its popularity in the UAE is due to its effective strategic mission and vision that focuses on the customer’s satisfaction and brand popularization.

Company Overview

The company takes its roots in California. Founded in 1947 by the brothers-in-law Burton and Irvin Robbins, the firm focuses on the idea that variety is the key to success (Baskin-Robbins, n.d.). On its first day, the company presented 31 flavors of ice-cream, which was a great start for the development of recipes library (Baskin-Robbins, n.d.). In order to continue its ongoing growth and development, it opened stores in numerous countries worldwide. The Asian market is not an exception, since it is considered to be one of the most promising due to the beneficial geographical location and rising population. Undoubtable, the UAE is a perfect choice for establishing the company’s biggest franchise. Galadari Ice Cream is one of the franchisees that have allowed for opening 350 stores to the existing 650 outlets in the region (Baskin-Robbins, n.d.). In the UAE, there are currently 156 stores and it plans to open 10 more during the next year (Baskin-Robbins, n.d.). The band also plans to launch the product consistently, adjusting to the specifics of the local market.

Corporate Mission

To succeed in the competitive market environment, any company should develop a clear mission statement that reflects the assumption of objectives and presents the expression of rationale for its business. The elements of mission can include product and service contribution, values and beliefs, responsibility to stakeholders and public image (Belal, 2016). As for the mission statement of Baskin-Robbins, the company placed primary emphasis on its clients and their satisfaction. According to it, the customers should have the right to choose out of the proposed variety, while the company should constantly enlarge the options for the choice (Treffis Team, 2011). In this respect, the company strives to adjust to constantly changing tastes and preferences, which has allowed it to spread globally and attract loyal customers. Furthermore, the company also manages to introduce unique flavors and recipes that people can use for developing the unique ice-cream according to their tastes. For instance, in the UAE, Baskin-Robbins has introduced a culturally-based approach. To enlarge on the issue, cultural environment dictates some of the services, such as the mini-treat service during Ramadan. In other words, the company has managed to master the cultural diversity aspect to approach each nationality with greater tolerance and respect.

Apart from unique tastes, the company also strives to present people with the possibility to gather for any celebration. Baskin-Robbins believes that ice-cream is a great excuse to meet friends and relatives. The abundance of tastes is also supported by the variety of additional services for their regular clients, such as home recipes, delivery, and celebrations (Baskin-Robbins, n.d.). Moreover, the philosophy of choice, which is a key part of the consumer strategy, allows the clients to choose the recipe of their own for the pre-ordered ice-cream cake for any celebration. The company cares for its customers and provide them with unique service of ice-cream delivery, which makes it more competitive over other ice-cream brands presented on the UAE market.

Finally, the option to choose a recipe makes every client feel special and exclusive. Providing this service, the company manages to outstand each customer’s creativity and motivate them to develop exclusive recipe out of their ingredients. In such a way, Baskin-Robbins expands their market and appeals to multiple creative minds. It is a sort of a corporate social responsibility according to which people are prioritized for developing business ventures.

Competitive Advantage

The competitive advantage of Baskin-Robbins relies on several marketing strategies. The key one is related to the flavor concept. Specifically, the company has developed a unique approach called “31 flavors” at the very beginning of its foundation and keeps on expending it (Baskin-Robbins, n.d.). Thus, there is different flavor offered to a client daily during a month (Bhasin, 2018). Second, Baskin Robbins is considered a part of a world-known brand Dunkin Donuts that is popular for its coffee and baked goods with ice-cream on the side (Bhasin, 2018). Third, the competitive edge is reached through the operation of the franchised model that provide Baskin-Robbins with the financial and strategic benefits. The aforementioned model makes it easier for the company to operate costs and focus on innovation. Finally, the cultural diversity issue is at the core of its corporate strategy, because it allows the company to orient on culturally diverse communities with different preferences and tastes. As such, due its well-developed marketing strategies, Baskin-Robbins has a strong competitive advantage over other ice-cream manufactures.


Overall, Baskin-Robbins has a rich set of strategies oriented on proliferating corporate responsibility for their clients. The right to choose is the key in their business philosophy, providing customers with the possibility of selecting their unique flavor. Moreover, its franchising model provides a firm with a platform for the emergence of the stores worldwide, including the UAE, which has one of most successfully developed economies, beneficial climate and geographic location for the company’s growth.
