8 Simple Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Lawn

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8 Simple Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Lawn 8 Simple Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Lawn 8 Simple Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Lawn 8 Simple Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Lawn

Who doesn’t love a lawn that’s a beautiful green hue and provides total ground cover? Achieving this goal is a little more involved than mowing the grass a couple of times a month. In fact,Guest Posting there’s quite a bit to lawn maintenance Arkansas that property owners sometimes overlook. Here are some tips that will make it easier to keep the lawn looking great all year long.




Don’t Mow the Grass Too Short




Property owners who choose to do their own landscaping rather than hiring a service sometimes yield to the temptation to change the settings on the lawnmower wheels Artificial grass replacement and cut the grass a little shorter. While that can mean mowing the lawn less, grass that’s too short paves the way for quite a few other issues.




If the cut is too short, it could expose bald spots in the lawn that you would not see otherwise. This is true with certain types of grass that tend to grow in clumps. Blades that are too short also retain less nutrients. The result is that the grass may begin to yellow and eventually die for a lack of proper nutrition. If you still need more motivation, grass that’s cut too low increases the potential for weeds to flourish.




Stay on Top of Weeds and Moss




If you do notice that weeds are beginning to sprout here and there, don’t allow them to remain in place for very long. The same goes for patch of moss. Weeds steal nutrients from the surrounding grass, increasing the odds of dead spots developing. Moss may be considered picturesque to some people, but it also has a way of killing off grass that’s nearby. One of the joys of calling on the skill of landscape gardeners Arkansas is that they can get rid of problems like moss or flourishing weeds before they can cause a lot of damage to your lawn.




Edging After Mowing is Essential




Now that you know not to mow the grass too short, it’s time to think about the edging. That’s the spaces around the perimeter of the lawn. Some examples would be the line where the driveway meets the lawn, or the area where the flower beds start and the grass ends.




You’ll find that the better lawn care services Arkansas make it a point to edge lawns immediately after mowing. What does this accomplish? It helps to improve the appearance of the grounds. The lawn looks more manicured and finished. It also helps to create what’s known as a root barrier around the flower beds. That barrier helps to reduce the potential for the grass to take over the bed.




Take Care of Bald Spots Promptly




There are several reasons for bald spots developing. One has to do with erosion. Water could be washing away seeds before they can settle in and flourish. There’s also the possibility that the bald spot developed because of some type of grass disease. In the latter scenario, you need to find out what’s happening before the disease can spread to other parts of the lawn.

