Resolve QuickBooks Error 15222 (All Causes and Solutions)

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This error can occur when you try to update your QuickBooks payroll. In this article, we will discuss the quick steps that you can take to rectify QuickBooks error 15222 and ensure smooth payroll processing.

QuickBooks is a popular accounting software used by businesses of all sizes to manage their finances efficiently. However, like any other software, QuickBooks can encounter errors that may disrupt its smooth functioning. One such error is QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222. In this article, we will explore the causes of this error and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to fix it. So, if you've encountered this error and are looking for solutions, you've come to the right place!

How to Fix QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222?

QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222 is usually associated with issues related to Internet Explorer settings or the digital signature of a file.

To resolve this error and get back to using QuickBooks seamlessly, you can follow the solutions mentioned below:-

1. Update QuickBooks Desktop

One of the primary reasons behind QuickBooks Error 15222 is an outdated version of QuickBooks. To fix this issue, you need to update QuickBooks Desktop to the latest release.

Here's how you can do it:-

  • Open QuickBooks on your computer.
  • Go to the "Help" menu and click on "Update QuickBooks Desktop."
  • Click on "Update Now" in the "Update QuickBooks" window.
  • Select the updates you want to download and click on "Get Updates."
  • Once the update process is complete, restart QuickBooks.

Updating QuickBooks to the latest version ensures that you have the most recent bug fixes and patches, which can resolve the error.

2. Check your Internet Explorer settings

QuickBooks relies on Internet Explorer for various operations. If there are issues with your Internet Explorer settings, it can lead to QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222.

To verify and modify your Internet Explorer settings, follow the steps below:-

  • Close QuickBooks and open Internet Explorer on your computer.
  • Go to the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options."
  • In the "Internet Options" window, click on the "Advanced" tab.
  • Scroll down to the "Security" section and ensure that the following options are checked:
  • "Use SSL 3.0"
  • "Use SSL 2.0"
  • "TLS 1.2"
  • Click on "Apply" and then click on "OK" to save the changes.
  • Restart your computer and reopen QuickBooks to check if the error is resolved.

By enabling these options, you allow QuickBooks to establish a secure connection with the required servers, reducing the chances of encountering error code 15222.

3. Configure your Anti-virus and Firewall settings

Sometimes, anti-virus and firewall settings can interfere with QuickBooks operations, leading to error code 15222. To resolve this, you need to configure your anti-virus and firewall settings to allow QuickBooks to function smoothly. The exact steps may vary based on your anti-virus software or firewall settings.

However, here are some general guidelines:-

  • Add QuickBooks as an exception to your anti-virus and firewall.
  • Ensure that the necessary ports (e.g., port 80 and 443) are open for QuickBooks.
  • Temporarily disable your anti-virus and firewall to check if they are causing the error. If the error disappears, you need to adjust the settings accordingly.

Remember to consult the documentation or support resources provided by your anti-virus or firewall software for detailed instructions on configuring the settings.

4. Verify your digital signature settings

QuickBooks uses digital signatures to verify the authenticity and integrity of downloaded files. If there is an issue with your digital signature settings, it can trigger QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222.

To fix this, you can follow these steps:-

  • Close QuickBooks and open Internet Explorer on your computer.
  • Go to the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options."
  • In the "Internet Options" window, click on the "Advanced" tab.
  • Scroll down to the "Security" section and ensure that the following options are checked:
  • "Check for publisher's certificate revocation"
  • "Check for server certificate revocation (requires restart)"
  • Click on "Apply" and then click on "OK" to save the changes.
  • Restart your computer and reopen QuickBooks to see if the error persists.

By enabling these options, you allow QuickBooks to verify the digital signatures of downloaded files, reducing the chances of encountering error code 15222.

5. Run QuickBooks as an administrator

Running QuickBooks as an administrator can sometimes resolve issues related to permissions and access rights.

To run QuickBooks as an administrator, follow these steps:-

  • Right-click on the QuickBooks Desktop icon on your desktop or in the Start menu.
  • Select "Run as administrator" from the context menu.
  • If prompted by User Account Control, click on "Yes" to grant permission.
  • Check if the error persists while using QuickBooks with administrative privileges.
  • Running QuickBooks as an administrator ensures that the software has the necessary permissions to perform various operations, potentially resolving the QuickBooks Error 6147.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222?

QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222 is an error that occurs when there are issues with Internet Explorer settings or the digital signature of a downloaded file. It can prevent QuickBooks from functioning properly and may disrupt payroll-related tasks.

Q: Can updating QuickBooks resolve the error?

Yes, updating QuickBooks to the latest release can often resolve QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222. Updating ensures that you have the most recent bug fixes and patches, reducing the chances of encountering the error.

Q: Why do I need to modify my Internet Explorer settings?

Modifying your Internet Explorer settings is necessary to establish a secure connection between QuickBooks and the required servers. Enabling specific options like "Use SSL 3.0," "Use SSL 2.0," and "TLS 1.2" helps mitigate error code 15222.

Q: How can I configure my anti-virus and firewall settings?

Configuring your anti-virus and firewall settings involves adding QuickBooks as an exception and opening the necessary ports for QuickBooks. The exact steps may vary depending on the software you're using, so refer to the documentation or support resources provided by your anti-virus or firewall.

Q: What does verifying the digital signature settings do?

Verifying the digital signature settings ensures that QuickBooks can validate the authenticity and integrity of downloaded files. By enabling options like "Check for publisher's certificate revocation" and "Check for server certificate revocation," you enhance the security of your QuickBooks installation.

Q: Should I always run QuickBooks as an administrator?

Running QuickBooks as an administrator can help resolve permission-related issues. However, it's not necessary to run QuickBooks with administrative privileges all the time. Only use this option if you encounter errors or problems that may be caused by restricted access rights.


Encountering QuickBooks Payroll Error Code 15222 can be frustrating, but with the solutions mentioned in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue effectively. Remember to update QuickBooks, check your Internet Explorer settings, configure your anti-virus and firewall, verify your digital signature settings, and run QuickBooks as an administrator if needed. By following these steps, you can ensure that QuickBooks functions smoothly, allowing you to focus on managing your finances and running your business efficiently.
