Seize flattery

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But Song Sirui is a kind doctor, and he is not an impulsive troublemaker. Why does he always make his elder brother angry every time?

But Song Sirui is a kind doctor, and he is not an impulsive troublemaker. Why does he always make his elder brother angry every time? Just as she was about to speak to him, the sound of a horse's hooves came hurrying Mudan yuan away. The comer was vigorous and burly, but it was the young man who had nearly broken through her and the third son hiding in the grass. When the two sides met, Song Sirui did not hesitate, leaving a "excuse me" and led the man into the flower forest to talk in a low voice. Xie Youqing was obviously unwilling to leave him, so he simply pulled his sisters and two young boys from the Huo family into the pavilion. More than a crowd of onlookers, Lin Yunxi inconvenience and Qiaoyuan continue to discuss massage skills, each to drink tea and eat snacks to cover up the embarrassment of silence. Probably because this quiet is too unusual, she has no intention to taste the sweet pear flower crystal cake, inadvertently vaguely caught a few key words. For example, Tang clan and Mrs. Lin. When she heard the "Lord Xiao" talking about her mother, she unconsciously pinched a sweat. The third son. Send someone to inquire about her family? As far as she knew, the three of them had always lived in harmony and happiness, and it was precisely because she was too spoiled that she became an unpopular and arrogant daughter. So she couldn't figure out why her mother had left their father and daughter behind when the Lin family was in distress. She knew she shouldn't eavesdrop on Song Sirui's secret conversation, but when it came to her parents, she was determined to abandon morality and listen. However, the man immediately talked about a poison called "Changxin" and snickered that "the supreme emperor once mistook the cat for the empress Dowager".. Lin Yunxi is completely confused,tannic acid astringent, this irrelevant people and things, what is the connection, just want to beat around the Bush to Song Sirui another day, get a monk's recent situation. Before long, the two men in the forest finished their discussion and returned leisurely. Lord Xiao was about to say goodbye when he suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "Oh!"! What kind of pig brain am I! I almost forgot to clean it! Then he took out a letter from his bosom and handed it to Song Sirui with both hands, "Miss Fu Si's flying pigeon passes the book." Song Sirui quietly glanced at Lin Yunxi and read the letter. An angry look passed between his eyebrows. He laughed and scolded,mulberry leaf extract weight loss, "That girl!"! The skin itches again! As early as the first night of meeting, Lin Yunxi had heard him talk about "Fu Si Girl". At this moment, listening to his tone of amusement and annoyance, she thought to herself, "That girl.." It's the person closest to him! ··· While the dusk was still light, they circled around the Mudan yuan where the peony had not yet opened. Song Sirui approached Lin Yunxi intentionally or unintentionally. Knowing this, he asked, "Send the soup here?" "Last night I read three volumes of Massage Tips, and it happened that the prince came to look for it. I wanted to ask him to have a try." Song Sirui did not expect her to forgive her elder brother easily, and mistakenly thought that she was massaging with her own hands. Her tone was full of vinegar: "I also feel uncomfortable. Pinch it for me!" "The third son is a man who practices martial arts. He is strong. Secondly, you have excellent medical skills. Why do you want me to show off my incompetence?"? Unless Your legs and feet are inconvenient. "Oh!"! You'll talk back! Song Sirui's smiling eyes were slightly curved, and she was pleased with the subtle change in her attitude. He guessed that his father initiated a trip to the western suburbs, lycopene for skin ,fenugreek saponins, one for him and Xie Youqing more contact, two for Huo Shulin to provide opportunities. Who would have thought that on the day of arrival at the other courtyard, the "accident of falling into the lake" disrupted the plan and broke everyone's heart of enjoyment. You can return in a few days. Don't forget to move into the palace. Song Sirui whispered a reminder. After thinking over and over again, Lin Yunxi knew that relying on him was the best way to restore his memory. He said in a gentle voice, "Third Childe, Yunxi asks you for a favor." Between you and me, do you need to say'beg '? Just say it. I.. I want to transfer Sheng Ru to my side. Song Sirui stepped slightly, and the tip of his eyebrows passed a very short alert: "Yes, but it needs to be arranged by me." Lin Yunxi wanted to inquire about his mother's whereabouts, but he was afraid of being overheard and dared not ask more questions. On the way back to the other courtyard, Song Simian sat in a wooden wheelchair and refrained from looking back. But he could imagine two people with beautiful faces and the same color of clothes gently rubbing in the spring breeze. A pair of Li Ying, the cone heart of the picture. Just because he looked at the setting sun in front of him, no one noticed the cold smile on his pale lips. The author has something to say: Fu Si has actually appeared in Xi Xi's dream, but she doesn't match. · Special thanks to: Tou Tou and Ari's mine = (^. ^) )= Chapter 21 #21 After returning to the city, Lin Yunxi moved out of the Xiyuan with the acquiescence of the King of Jin. In Song Sirui's choice of Linyan Pavilion and Tinghe, she chose the more elegant latter. However, before the chair in the new house was hot, Song Sirui couldn't wait to pull up Dr. Pei to consult with him and bring a bowl of dark decoction. It was as if she was terminally ill and the treatment was urgent. Lin Yunxi drank the medicine, sweet and bitter, and when he saw Song Sirui spread out the needle bag, his eyes showed excitement and his heart was filled with regret. The third son. I always feel that you want to stick me with a needle. No, it's a lot of prick! Song Sirui laughed: "Didn't we discuss it?"? The needle was administered by Dr. Pei. "Would you excuse yourself?" She pleaded with a mournful face and timidly stressed, "Don't, don't peep!" "I've never seen so many demanding patients!" Song Sirui grinds his teeth, "if you don't look, don't look!" Then he paced out of the room and closed the door. Lin Yunxi was pleased with his cooperation, and at the signal of Dr. Pei, he changed his gauze bedclothes and lay flat on the couch by the window. Vaguely heard the hustle and bustle outside the courtyard, like a large number of servants carrying things to come. Just as he was about to get up and ask what was going on, he was stopped by Dr. Pei. "Everything will be handled by the third son." Lin Yun-hsi also felt that it was troublesome to put on and take off his clothes, so he could lie down in anxiety. Somehow, the unprecedented heavy sleepiness came on her, and she fell asleep. ··· As she guessed, there was indeed a group of people outside the door. They were ordered to send supplies and clothing selected by the prince himself, as well as an ancient wooden thirteen-stringed zither. Song Sirui stopped people in the doorway, carefully looked at the box load, all the things inside are fine, thinking that the elder brother changed his attitude of ignoring, afraid to adopt a new strategy? Fortunately, in order to better help Lin Yunxi's treatment, he had already secretly deployed to replace all the servants in the Lotus Garden with his people. After ordering people to put everything into the small side hall and evacuate,pumpkin seed extract, he rubbed his hands and pushed the door into Lin Yunxi's bedroom. Third Childe, Miss Lin. As you said, there are dozens of fluff needles! What's going on here? 。
