Mortal Mortal

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Had it not been for the fact that Master Qinglong did not have time for a good retreat to examine himself, it would not have been so easy to succeed.

Had it not been for the fact that Master Qinglong did not have time for a good retreat to examine himself, it would not have been so easy to succeed. Okay, you haven't said the result of this trip yet. Qinglong is no longer there? Han Li explained a little and asked with a squint in his eyes. Close at hand. As soon as the shrill sound of the claws rang, the shadows of the claws burst out from the two shadows, covering the people of Qinglong in the wind and rain. The place where the claws flashed, the void emerged out of thin air a hard golden silk mark, densely "interwoven" to form a huge net, people simply can not avoid. Master Qinglong was startled, and his face suddenly showed an expression of extreme fear. Han boy, you're going to kill them all! He complained bitterly! ~! Text Volume 10 Battle of the Demon World Chapter 1984 Aftermath Don't worry, Master Qinglong, even yuan Ying has been swallowed by me. There is no such person in the world. But before he died, Jingran no longer suppressed the poison, but displayed a desperate magical power, let I also lost some of my energy and had to meditate outside for two days before I quietly returned to the city with a group of spies from Tianyuan City. No one else will ever find me. The leopard beast grinned with a big mouth. Said with a smile. Well, you did a good job this time. In this way, I have no worries and can hit the bottleneck in the later period wholeheartedly. When Han Li heard this,drum spill pallet, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Hee hee, with the master's cultivation talent, plus the preparation of so many defensive, this breakthrough bottleneck is certainly no problem. I would like to congratulate the master in advance for his great progress. The leopard stick beast blinked He blinked his eyes and said with a light smile. I hope so. Now that you have been transformed, you don't need to stay in the spirit animal ring. You can practice in the secret room next to me. If you need anything, just ask them about it. I They will ask them to meet all your needs. Han Li looked awestruck. Thank you, master. I don't want to stay in the spirit animal ring for a long time. Then I will go to the next door to practice first. When the master begins to retreat,collapsible bulk containers, I will protect him! The leopard ploughing beast was overjoyed and immediately said Give the words of retirement. 、 Han Li naturally had no reason to disagree, and after a few words of exhortation, he let him leave. As soon as the figure of the beast disappeared, Han Li took a deep breath, grabbed it in the void with one hand, and a messenger emerged. He raised his hand and let it go. Then he closed his eyes and continued to meditate. After a short time, a woman's voice suddenly sounded outside the secret room: "Brother Han, if you call me here now, is it possible that you will start to hit the bottleneck in the later period?" The voice was very pleasant, but it had a hint of coldness. It was the voice of the woman Bingdan. Feng Daoyou did not guess wrong, Han did have this plan, "Han Li opened his eyes and calmly replied.". A few days later, secondary containment pallet ,plastic pallet suppliers, in a secret room of Tianding City, seven or eight members of the Council of Elders of Tianyuan City were gathering together to discuss something. Among them, Jinyue Zen Master, Silver Light Fairy and others are all among them. So, Master Qinglong has really fallen! It's a great pity. It's a great loss for both our races at this time. The silver-haired, white-robed old man sitting in the first seat sighed. Said in a tone. Had it not been for the fact that after Qinglong joined the Council of Elders, he left a piece of soul card in the secret hall, he would not have believed it. According to the monk guarding the temple, his soul card should be in the middle of his departure from the city. In the future, it will break up by itself. Master Jin Yue replied with a wry smile. "Hum, Master Qinglong really wants to die.". Knowing that there are Demons everywhere in the neighborhood, he still dares to send them away by force. I don't think he can blame others. He's a dead end. Said the Silver Fairy with a cold snort. Hey hey, Qinglong is not necessarily in the hands of the Demons. Maybe someone else did it! Not to listen to the guard of the transport hall said, there is a person to follow Qinglong people to leave with the transport array. Did you? "Maybe Master Qinglong died at his hands." Another big fellow in a black leather robe suddenly made a ha-ha and said. Are you suspicious of Han Daoyou? "When the Silver Fairy heard this, her face sank." Don't talk nonsense, Silver Fairy. I've never said that before. I'm just saying that Qinglong doesn't have to fall into the hands of the Demons. "The big fellow's face changed slightly, and he completely denied it.". Obviously, he was afraid of Han Li and did not want to offend him easily. The silver fairy smiled, but did not say anything in the end. "Well, since Master Qinglong left Tianyuan City by force, it means that he has not admitted that he is a member of our Council of Elders.". In that case, we don't need to pursue it to the end. The most important thing now. Or the siege of the Demon army! The silver-haired old man frowned and said slowly. But after all, Master Qinglong is a combined monk of the human race, and he is also a mid-term monk. He has fallen for no reason. I can't explain to the monks in the city. Besides, this will not Will it affect Lin Luan's attitude toward the city? The monk surnamed Gu of the Dou yuan Pavilion, however, said thoughtfully. There's nothing to tell. If I don't wait to say, how can other people know about the fall of Master Qinglong. Even if you really want to find out about this matter, you have to wait until the end of the robbery. At a time when our two peoples are facing the catastrophe of genocide, everything else has to come after us. As for Lin Daoyou, he is so smart that I believe he should know the right and wrong. Old with silver hair Said the voice of a cold, senran. Several other people who did not speak listened to this, could not help but look at each other, and finally nodded. Very good, since everyone has no other opinions, then it's time to talk about Han An Daoyou. Master Jin Yue, I heard that you sent someone to invite this Han Daoyou to get together two days ago, but he left Began to retreat, but there is such a thing. The silver-haired old man asked Zen Master Jinyue with a solemn look. Well, it's true. Originally,plastic pallet crates, I wanted to do my last bit to see if I could persuade Han Daoyou to give up the idea of letting Qinglong Daoyou leave the city. But Han Daoyou, a disciple, said that No more visitors in seclusion! Zen Master Jin Yue spoke slowly.
