Misery Summoner

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"Although it has not been completely successful, there is an experiment that gives the old man hope that the only way to deal with the source of this group of crimes is to fight evil with evil."

"Although it has not been completely successful, there is an experiment that gives the old man hope that the only way to deal with the source of this group of crimes is to fight evil with evil." Dumbledore came to the front of the cross, then turned around and bowed to Downing in a sincere tone from his heart. "Would you please give your life to protect the world?" Please remember the URL, if you like the "Misfortune Summoner" written by the Lord of Creation. Netizens Upload Chapter 91 The Calculation Behind the Calculation Updated: 2012 520 22:04:38 Words in this Chapter: 7385 : Novel Chapter 91 the calculation behind the calculation. Like a flash of light in his head, illuminating all the previously invisible dark places, or like a giant hammer, breaking the wall of unknown information, Downing instantly connected all the details that nnòng did not understand with what he saw in front of him, and nnòng understood the context of everything. As if he had not heard the other side's words of dedication, Downing's face, which had figured out all his intentions, had not changed at all, as if he were retelling the story and telling the whole thing from the beginning. The reason for your treason is that you use the forbidden realm to forcibly imprison the source of crime. This kind of anti-energy, with any current magic system, will be eroded, only the forbidden magic field that forbids all energy can restrain it, after all,Nail machine supplier, even anti-energy is energy. No wonder you never use the field to fight with people. It's not that you don't want to use it, but that you can't use it. Dumbledore nodded and admitted, "The old man split a part of his soul and used the forbidden realm here for a long time. In addition, the power of the source of crime was beyond my expectation. In the confrontation with the forbidden realm, he distorted the space, pierced the space barrier and formed a space tunnel.". At the other end of the space tunnel is the infamous lair of the Burning Legion,iron nail machine, which continues to plunder and destroy worlds. For this reason, the old man specially borrowed an oriental artifact from the Middle Earth Shenzhou that could suppress Qi Yun, which firmly imprisoned the source of the crime, reinforced the space barrier and blocked the tunnel. Downing followed the information given by the other side: "In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, not to let people know the truth of the matter, to prevent the spread of panic, and not to be used by some people with ulterior motives, you joined the Magic Empire and set up a college here, so as not to be suspected of why you always stay in Carolingian and never leave.." The Academy was named Azeroth, presumably as a metaphor, hoping to withstand the invasion of the Burning Legion like the world of Azeroth. Dumbledore smiled and did not deny it. The incident of the Doomsday Leader seems to be the source of the crime. According to the report of the Stormrage Knights, the summoner who was hunted down was only a seventh-level mage. Even if he sacrificed his life, wire nail making machine ,wire nail machine manufacturers, it was impossible to summon the Doomsday Leader who was equivalent to the Great Magic Guide. Since the source of sin can communicate with the Burning Legion's lair, it is not difficult to increase the effect and help summon powerful demons. "This thing is a coincidence, every four years the source of crime will riot once, escape the energy, even if the forbidden field is also difficult to suppress, coupled with the old and weak, more and more powerless, resulting in energy leakage, this energy just transferred to the Feilengcui forest below, the result of the wanted summoner, y y n got the help of this energy by mistake." To summon the existence of the impossible to touch. That is to say, that action was not to help the Stormrage Knights wipe their asses, but to help Dumbledore clean up the mess. It is precisely because of this incident that the old man noticed your existence. "Well, under Fei Lengcui." Downing linked the two things together. "So what we destroyed the day before yesterday was the energy that leaked out?" "Yes, although it is only a small part, but the old man still has no way to take it, can only choose the way of sealing.". Then, because of your battle with the heresy arbitration team, you accidentally broke the seal, so the old man had to choose to solve the problem once and for all. Why not reseal it? It's not difficult for you. ” With a bitter face, Dumbledore said, "You look up to the old man too much. Standing here is just an old man who is trembling with fear in the face of destiny. He can only resist desperately in a discomfited posture and live like a dog.". Of course, if you grit your teeth, you can seal it again, but there is something you want to verify. There was a touch of sarcasm at the corners of Downing's mouth, knowing that this was the core of all events: "You want to test whether the power of my curse can counter this nihilistic energy, so the creatures belonging to the underground world are all summoned by you, and the underground mmí palaces and traps are also set up by you.". ~~! ! Br/ It was also for this purpose that I was separated from the others, and even for yin me to try this energy, I left clues in the Minotaur-no wonder I didn't find similar clues in other creatures. "The hastily completed Mmí Palace is inevitably flawed, and the old man did not expect that you would not play cards according to the rules, not to unlock the Mmí Palace, and directly start to destroy it, resulting in the failure to play the effect of separating you from others, so the next step is to command in person." "No wonder the intellectual business association of that group of yyīn filthy creatures has improved so much all of a sudden, and there is a superior person behind the command." Downing said sarcastically. Dumbledore pretended to cough a few times, and then went on to say: "The original plan was to find an opportunity to give you a small part of the nihilistic energy. It was speculated that according to your knowledge, you would definitely carry out a personal experiment,Iron Nail Making Machine, but I didn't expect that you were persistent in returning the favor, so I simply pushed the boat along and used the leaked energy to set up a small game." Indirectly put something jijiāo into your hand. The only thing I didn't expect was that you would be so impatient to carry out the experiment on the spot. "Since you're watching the battle, why don't you save Vandal?" 。 3shardware.com
