Amazon DynamoDB

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Amazon DynamoDB -commonly referred to in the form of Dynamo Database or DDB -is a fully managed NoSQL Database service that is provided via Amazon Web Services.

Amazon DynamoDB -commonly referred to in the form of Dynamo Database or DDB -is a fully managed NoSQL Database service that is provided via Amazon Web Services. DynamoDB is well-known for its low latency and the ability to scale.

Based on AWS, DynamoDB makes it easy and affordable for storing and retrieving any size of information, and also serves all levels of traffic. The data items are all stored within SSDs that provide superior I/O capacity and are able to more effectively handle large-scale demands. AWS users AWS user connects to the service via an AWS Management Console or the DynamoDB API. We've reviewed the range of these services in the AWS Training and Certification . Therefore, when they're appropriate in our AWS Services list, we've provided the link to the relevant blog for more information.


DynamoDB employs a NoSQL database model that is nonrelational and allows columns, graphs, and documents among its models of data. The user stores their information in DynamoDB tables and interacts with it through PUT and GET queries which are write and read operations respectively. DynamoDB provides the most basic operations like CRUD along with conditional actions. Every DynamoDB query is performed through a primary key that is identified by the user. This uniquely identifies every item.

The ability to scale, availability and endurance

DynamoDB allows replication to the three areas of availability to ensure durability, high availability as well as read-read consistency. Users can also choose for cross-region replication which makes copies of the DynamoDB table across one or more geographic places.

It is imp to note that the DynamoDB scan API gives two ways to ensure consistency for reading DynamoDB data with eventually consistent reads, and extremely consistent reads. The first option one, which will be AWS's default setting AWS standard setting increases the speed of processing but at the risk of not having the read reflect the most recent update or write. This is because it reflects all writing and updates.

There aren't any DynamoDB limitations on the storage of data per user, or a maximum number of tables per.


Amazon DynamoDB offers Fine-Grained Access Control (FGAC) to administrators to safeguard data within the table. The administrator or table owner can define who has access to the attributes or items within a table and what actions they can take. FGAC is built on the AWS Identity and Access Management service that manages the credentials and permissions. Like other AWS products it is the cloud service suggests a rule of the least privilege when it comes to providing access to items and attributes.

Administrators can see the usage statistics for DynamoDB using Amazon CloudWatch.

Additional DynamoDB features

This DynamoDB Triggers feature integrates with AWS Lambda to enable developers to create code in response to changes to items within the DynamoDB table, like sending out a message to a table or linking it with an additional data source. The developer can associate an Lambda function that is able to store the code with the stream of data in the DynamoDB table. AWS Lambda then reads updates to tables from a stream, and executes the function.

The DynamoDB Streams feature offers the ability to have a continuous 24-hour sequence of updates to the items in tables. Administrators can access the stream through an API request to perform actions in response to updates, for example, connecting information to another data store. Administrators are able to enable DynamoDB Streams on the basis of per-table.


What exactly is Amazon DynamoDB work?

Like other similar databases, DynamoDB stores its data like other databases, it is stored in tables. Each table has a collection of items. Each item is accompanied by a number of attributes or fields. Every table needs the primary key which is found in every item within the table. This primary key may be an attribute in a single form or an amalgamation of two attributes that include a partition key and an attribute key for sorting. It is possible to refer to particular items within a table through the key that is the main one or create indices of your own, and then using the keys of those indexes. 

There's no single server that hosts you DynamoDB table. The data is in a multiple computers, which means high performance and scalability however, it also means that it isn't possible to join a data hosting service and access your data directly. To read write data from and to the DynamoDB table it is necessary to connect to the DynamoDB HTTP API either directly or using either the AWS SDK or the AWS CLI. Additionally, you can batch the writing and reading into DynamoDB tables, or even across multiple tables at once. DynamoDB allows for automated backups, transactions as well as cross-region replication. In-depth knowledge can be acquired with better preparation from the AWS Course in Delhi.
